Thursday, February 28, 2013


Within a few hours of posting this:; Danny Garcia was harassed by the Sunnyvale police once again; this time apparently in retaliation for speaking out on this blog; and likely (desperately) trying to legitimize their past harassment of Danny. (In other words; the Sunnyvale police are now reading this blog) This time Danny was sitting with his 71 year old fellow homeless friend Gabe at Raynor Park; minding his own business. 

Two Sunnyvale Police officers approached them -- one tall, balding male Caucasian; and one short stocky male Caucasian -- and told Danny and Gabe that people "are afraid of them". 

(the mainstream media is a fear-based medium; and many people are brainwashed by this hogwash daily. Fortunately; Danny and Gabe do not watch TV; therefore they do not keep abreast of all of the fear-based propaganda that is being constantly shoved down peoples' throats to control and/or distract them. And they are actually quite normal, well adjusted people because of this. Danny and/or Gabe should not have to pay any price for being around mentally unstable; paranoid television-brainwashed people who are "afraid of them").

Well; I've got news for these officers; a good chunk of the American people ARE ACTUALLY AFRAID OF THE POLICE AND DO NOT TRUST THEM; AS POLICE CORRUPTION IS AT AN ALL-TIME HIGH!? So what is their recourse for this fear?

That's right; doesn't it matter that MANY people (other than John; that is) are actually afraid of the police? I tend to believe that some in government actually LIKE having police scare people into submission; to keep them cowering in fear and afraid of them; using intimidation and fear to get their way. This is one of the reasons Civil Rights have been interpreted in such a watered-down fashion by government since the onset of MLK.

And what if John was afraid of the government-sponsored criminals stalking and harassing him outside his window repeatedly making threats at 3 in the morning; with no help from police for a number of years? Is that what John gets for getting involved in community activism or something? (go to:

Or is this really more like something that would be done in China and/or Russia to dissenters and/or dissidents? That's right; America has fallen down the EXACT same slippery slope.

The officers also told Danny to "get a job"; while Danny has literally applied for about 500 jobs over the past few years with no luck (John has seen the paperwork). Danny has solid experience in the semiconductor industry and is a very good worker when given a chance; but I suppose (at least partially) because the federal government refuses to do anything about age discrimination; Danny is currently unemployed. 

(John has a DoD employee friend involved in mass NSA surveillance work who told John the ultra-rich have essentially decided there are too many people currently on the earth to be employed; so they are holding back on hiring right now. And since all the corporations the rich own are essentially "the government" right now; as they have more money than government; and do much of the surveillance for government; etc etc etc...)

Regardless; the fact remains that Danny actually paid taxes for many years; taxes which paid for the park he was sitting in today; therefore Danny has a right to be in that said park whenever he wants to. Furthermore; on a basic Constitutional level; Danny and Gabe have every right to pursue their happiness etc as they so desire; and therefore every right to be at Raynor Park during park hours; even if they actually could technically be "happier".

And this is not up to "some judge" to determine; whether or not Danny and/or Gabe actually can FREELY enjoy their lives, liberty and the pursuit of their happiness; as the rights that allow Danny and Gabe to be FREE are actually called IN/UNALIENABLE RIGHTS; and these are rights which NO LIVING BEING has any power to deny them of. Granted by 'the Creator"; these in/unalienable rights are unable to be taken away FROM ANYONE; BY ANYONE. 

For all of the mentally and/or constitutionally challenged people who may be reading this blog post; and for all others who may suffer from acute cranial/posterior syndrome; to keep you all up to date with current U. S. policy:  

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness > read more @


John has an old friend named Danny Garcia who is now homeless. While Danny was out jogging through his neighborhood a few years back; Danny was detained by the Sunnyvale Police for a number of hours and exposed to cruel and unusual treatment. (see video explaining this event @

QUESTION: Why were the suspicious individuals in Johns' neighborhood not treated the same way as Danny? Why were they allowed to continue their sustained harassment/stalking campaign FOR A NUMBER OF YEARS without being detained and officially questioned as Danny was? Why was this not considered to be a criminal case? (go to: +

Could it be because these individuals are connected to powerful and influential members of the local law enforcement community; and/or because Danny is Hispanic and was being profiled?  

Furthermore; from detaining Danny while jogging; to shooting at John after jogging; why do the Sunnyvale police have such an aversion to people who exercise?

Note: since Dannys' parents passed away a few years ago; John continues to clean up litter in front of Dannys' old house after exercising each week. John was doing this as he happened upon the scene shown in this post: For the record; Danny Garcia is now homeless. Danny gave $50,000 he inherited from the sale of his parents' house to an individual who invested it for him. After September 11th, 2001 Danny lost most of the money and was given back a mere $15,000 or so dollars; which is now depleted. John was originally inspired to start playing the drums when John heard Danny playing his drums while John was walking home from tennis lessons one summer day many years back. John then bought his first set of drums from Dannys' cousin Bobby Martinez; who is Johns' neighbor.

Monday, February 25, 2013


On 14 February 2013 John was out doing his usual routine of exercising and cleaning up litter on Dunford Way after his workout; when John saw a young Caucasian male sitting in the dirt next to his bicycle on the curb. (see the letter X) An African American lady was talking to the young boy; along with a couple other youngsters. The lady then left the scene just before the arrival of two fire trucks; a few Sunnyvale police vehicles; two EMS vehicles; and Principal of Peterson Middle School; Susan E. Harris. Officer Hearn of the Sunnyvale Police Department saw John taking a photo of the scene and seemingly tried to intimidate John (obviously unsuccessfully) by telling John not to post the photo. 

Was this due to the age of the person in question? or did it also have something to do with the FACT that Officer Hearn made a personal appearance at John's house a few months back ordering John to STOP helping people cross this dangerous stretch of street; and even declined during this encounter to have officers around in the morning to ensure safe crossing? (for instance; as opposed to having officers on the scene to officially intimidate voters like John) Therefore; John struck a balance and blurred out the image of the young male in question to make yet another point for the Addendum Blog in case this young male had indeed been injured by a passing vehicle.

A few months back; John was even approached and nearly accosted one day by a hysterical Principal Harris while helping a student cross this dangerous intersection at the end of Dunford Way; leading to the claim against the City of Sunnyvale. (John has encourage people to have the Principal charged with animal cruelty for poisoning California Ground Squirrels > go to: + > Note: Principal Harris essentially abused her power by trying to criminalize John for blowing the whistle on her and/or the SCUSD) 

But! For many months now; John has actually been recording various videos and photos showing the dangers of this intersection (the issue is now part of the document CIVILRIGHTS3.doc) and now it appears as if someone has been injured at this same said intersection. QUESTION: Was the young person in question on the bicycle injured by a passing vehicle? If so; this is yet another example of negligence on the part of the City of Sunnyvale. If not; forget about it...

Saturday, February 23, 2013


NOTE: Since voters in the United States of America by law cannot be intimidated and/or coerced in any way, shape or form before they vote; THEY CERTAINLY CANNOT BE INTIMIDATED AND/OR COERCED MANY YEARS AFTER THAT SAID VOTE EITHER. If this occurs (as it clearly has); this would amount to a subsequent mass-violation of the voting rights act of 1965. 


Friday, February 22, 2013


EXCERPTS FROM CBSNEWS.COM: Non-Hispanic whites are now a minority in California, according to new census data. A jump in Hispanic births and Asian immigration propelled whites into minority status for the first time since 1860, when accurate census data started being recorded. As recently as 1970, non-Hispanic whites accounted for nearly 80 percent of the state's population. Hispanics accounted for more than three-quarters of the state's growth during the 1990s and now account for nearly one in three residents. Non-Hispanic whites slipped to 47 percent of the state's population. Asians now comprise about 11 percent of the state's population.

EXCERPTS FROM SFGATE.COM: The most effective civil rights law in American history is on trial for its life. The U.S. Supreme Court will (soon) hear argument that a key provision of the Voting Rights Act is obsolete - a victim of its own success in combating racial discrimination. But such discrimination is not ancient history. Congress found as much when it reauthorized Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act for another 25 years in 2006. The legislative record showed that the law remains necessary to thwart persistent efforts to deny minorities effective political participation. 

Note: John is a Caucasian; therefore John needs to be considered a minority; and therefore worthy of protected class status. 

Thursday, February 21, 2013


THE DISPOSITION MATRIX is a federal government database which gathers information about different individuals (without their knowledge); and this information can then be used against these individuals -- the other side is this; this information can ALSO be used to exonerated people and/or prove prior knowledge of events (etc) but government likely allows individuals only limited access to THEIR OWN gathered surveillance information -- so with looming budget cuts facing this nation; our government must now decide whether or not to keep these (expensive) mass-surveillance programs which are now in place (kept only as long as they can be legally used and accessed by the same people who are being monitored); and/or to eliminate them either partially and/or altogether in the face of budget cuts -- The bottom line?: if information gathered is not freely disseminated; and/or if the sheer glut of information is too large for government to police; therefore leading to expensive, time-consuming lawsuits when eventually accessed; then these programs should then be either drastically cut; or eliminated altogether due to their unfair, one-sided (etc) nature. 


Tuesday, February 12, 2013


On Thursday september 6th, 2007 an administrative hearing was held at the City of Santa Clara. At this particular administrative hearing; MISTER OLENAK ADMITTED TO ATTACKING JOHN IN FRONT OF EVERYONE AT THE HEARING; INCLUDING LOUIS AMADEO JUNIOR, AND SANTA CLARA POLICE OFFICERS PABLO LOPEZ AND GABRIELLE SEAGRAVE (see links below); and no action was taken to correct the situation. THEREFORE; any judge assigned to this case was likely hired for the way he or she thinks; meaning many case outcomes will be pre-determined.
This poses a REAL problem for equal justice; as Judge Amadeo is being paid by the CIty of Santa Clara; therefore if a decision he makes goes against Santa Clara; Judge Amadeo will likely end up being retaliated against by being terminated from his position later on for seemingly unconnected reasons.
Many judges act much like CEOs who watch the finances of government; and sometimes even if egregious acts have been committed; these judges have a vested interest in making decisions favorable to the city that employs them. So therein lies the main problem; a conflict of interest.

Therefore; regardless of the initial outcome of Johns' claim file to the City of Sunnyvale; the case will be appealed to a higher authority which stands apart from the obvious collusion that exists here in the Santa Clara valley between government; and the judges they appoint and/or hire.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Saturday, February 9, 2013


 The video titled THE REVOLVING DOOR OF VIOLENT STALKING AND HARASSMENT @ -- clearly shows how behavior not even allowed within prison yards was allowed to flourish in Johns' neighborhood; conduct Fred Rogers would have clearly disapproved of...


After reviewing files pertaining to the wrongful death of Johns' brother Carl in December of 1999; it has been found that the person who killed Carl in a head-on collision on Highway 5 in late December of 1999 (Danny Matos was convicted of vehicular manslaughter for the incident) was let go for speeding by a Sunnyvale police officer a few weeks prior in early December 1999.
Adding to this; In the years prior to the event of Carls' death; John spearheaded a local traffic calming effort in the late 1990s causing the City of Santa Clara traffic engineering department to eventually make promises at a neighborhood meeting in 1999; promises which were ultimately not followed up on. (these documents are available) Note: this was during the absolute height of the 1990s Silicon Valley boom when local cities had lots of money for traffic calming etc; therefore there was absolutely NO EXCUSE to avoid taking action.

1) Between the City of Santa Clara repeatedly choosing to do nothing about the dangerous traffic situation in Johns' neighborhood > go to: STATE LAW CROSSWALK SIGNS NEEDED NOW! @ + JIMMYS' CROSSWALK @; 2) And the City of Sunnyvale actually attempting to stop Johns' valiant traffic calming efforts AFTER JOHNS' BROTHER HAD DIED (!?!); go to: 'SAFETY CONES & 25 MPH ENFORCED? @; > This shows a clear pattern of negligence on the part of these entities; 

The link at the end of this paragraph shows one of two petitions for speed humps that were submitted to the City of Santa Clara regarding installation on Dunford way -- After 9 accidents on John's property; insufficient action was taken by the City of Santa Clara to correct the dangerous situation on the street in front of his place of residence; leading not only to the death of John's brother Carl (due to lax traffic enforcement on the part of both the City of Santa Clara AND Sunnyvale; leading to Danny Matos taking John's brothers' life on Christmas eve 1999); but also the death of his beloved cat Precious; that is if her death actually was an accident > This petition is even more evidence that John made repeated attempts to get the City of Santa Clara to correct the dangerous situation on the street in front of his house; go to:

Friday, February 8, 2013


When John went to Peterson High School many years back; there was a Sunnyvale police officer named Mr. Baker who took care of at least some of the crap that went down with students. (note: John is not sure whether Mr. Baker was assigned to this duty; or took it upon himself) Mister Baker was Ken Bakers' father; (a student at Peterson at the time) and Ken supposedly followed in his fathers' footsteps and became a police officer as well.

One day many years back when Johns' friend (this said friend will go by the name "Greg"; "Egg"; "Eggy"; "The Eggster" and/or "Eggbert" on this document -- Note: Eggbert grew up two doors away from the Paolinetti home) was allegedly driving drunk through a neighborhood near Ponderosa Park in Sunnyvale; Egg then supposedly saw a police officer and panicked by quickly parking his car and jumping over a fence and into someone's backyard. Allegedly spending most of the night with some friendly neighborhood dogs underneath a bush in the adjacent backyard; Greg then waited until the dust settled and returned home in the early morning...

To make a long story short; Mr. Baker showed up in Eggberts' bedroom that very same morning; saying something like; "What the hell was that all about, Greg!?"...Leading us directly to this major point: WHERE WAS DON PAOLINETTI IN ALL OF THIS? Why was Mr. Paolinetti not directly involved in stopping the activities of his sons? (sons who were actually using Don Paolinetti's vehicle to commit their crimes some of the time); and why has Mr. Paolinetti remained so silent amidst all of this? Is this a sign of guilt on the part of Mr. Paolinetti?

Note: John actually asked the officer who responded to the night time incident seen in this video > > to bring this incident to the attention of Mr. Paolinetti; which he declined to do...

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


John grew up saying the pledge of allegiance in grade school at Laurelwood Elementary...and while many children are often no longer required to say the pledge of allegiance; John wonders why this is REALLY occurring...Could it be that adults and children alike really have no liberties anymore; therefore having them repeat what appears to have quite regrettably become an obsolete allegiance is no longer necessary and/or valid? And why is LIBERTY still being written on coins if Americans no longer have any real liberty anymore? >

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


John recently spoke to a black man named Leander Edward Finley. Apparently Leanders' experience with the Sunnyvale police has not been good. Leander told John that the Sunnyvale police "did not help me"; and also added that (quite frankly); "they were pricks". Leander worked at Angels' Care Collective when John spoke to him; and John is not sure if Leander works there still. If so; the phone number for Angels' Care Collective is: 1-408-986-0131 -- They are located at 891 Laurelwood Rd #101  Santa Clara, CA 95054 -- Note: During Johns' conversation with Leander; Leander added that his cousin is a police officer who he actually likes and has respect for. John then added that Sunnyvale Officer Jim Carrell was a good cop as well...


While the federal government has piled layers of bullshit on top; the main underlying duty of any police officer is to keep the peace.When the peace has not been kept; the job has not been done. It's really that simple. The Sunnyvale police REPEATEDLY failed to keep the peace in Johns' neighborhood. And not just once or twice; many times over...and this is UNACCEPTABLE...


After recently checking his email; John found an email purposely infected with a virus sent from the bartender/owner of Woodhams lounge; who illegally and/or maliciously ejected John from the Lounge after John was attacked at the club and called SJPD about the incident. Owner Amanda Cunningham attempted to obstruct justice by trying to cover up this incident; and John has been illegally disallowed from reentering the club by owner Amanda Cunningham since then. This particular attack happened right in front of Amanda Cunningham and Avent's Empty Band KJ Joe Soria. The malicious email from Amanda Cunningham was apparently sent 3 days after a claim file was filed at the City of Sunnyvale. It is not known whether the bartender knew of the claim file at the time the email was sent. You can see a printed version of the email in question @

Monday, February 4, 2013