Thursday, February 28, 2013


John has an old friend named Danny Garcia who is now homeless. While Danny was out jogging through his neighborhood a few years back; Danny was detained by the Sunnyvale Police for a number of hours and exposed to cruel and unusual treatment. (see video explaining this event @

QUESTION: Why were the suspicious individuals in Johns' neighborhood not treated the same way as Danny? Why were they allowed to continue their sustained harassment/stalking campaign FOR A NUMBER OF YEARS without being detained and officially questioned as Danny was? Why was this not considered to be a criminal case? (go to: +

Could it be because these individuals are connected to powerful and influential members of the local law enforcement community; and/or because Danny is Hispanic and was being profiled?  

Furthermore; from detaining Danny while jogging; to shooting at John after jogging; why do the Sunnyvale police have such an aversion to people who exercise?

Note: since Dannys' parents passed away a few years ago; John continues to clean up litter in front of Dannys' old house after exercising each week. John was doing this as he happened upon the scene shown in this post: For the record; Danny Garcia is now homeless. Danny gave $50,000 he inherited from the sale of his parents' house to an individual who invested it for him. After September 11th, 2001 Danny lost most of the money and was given back a mere $15,000 or so dollars; which is now depleted. John was originally inspired to start playing the drums when John heard Danny playing his drums while John was walking home from tennis lessons one summer day many years back. John then bought his first set of drums from Dannys' cousin Bobby Martinez; who is Johns' neighbor.

1 comment:

  1. Gabe once told John that when Gabe was once being processed for a minor offense at the Sunnyvale jail; a Sunnyvale police officer "patted him on the ass" as he entered his cell!?
