Tuesday, April 15, 2014


BRIAN COLLETTI was killed by Santa Clara police a few years back. The article about the event in the local newspaper was one paragraph long, and no officers were ever suspended due to the event. The "official" Santa Clara police department version was when officers confronted Brian; Brian became abusive and combative; and while placing him in "the wrap" restraining device; Brian then supposedly fell and hit his head. But Brians' parents had an independent autopsy done; and that coroner said that he had 14 separate blows to the head!? > go to: http://www.petersonhigh.com/3/miscellaneous1.htm + RELATED LINKS: X X X

Police paid to protect and serve the public instead often often than not abuse and violate the public; therefore this kind of barbarism must STOP; as we cannot call ourselves and/or consider ourselves to be a 'civilization' until we collectively start acting in a civil manner. 

This is yet one more example of a pattern of police misconduct and/or gross negligence and/or abuse and/or corruption over time on the part of the Santa Clara police department. (The anonymous source of this story has allegedly been physically beaten by Santa Clara police multiple times in past years; but prefers to remain silent beyond providing this important information)...

SEE ALSO: U.S. Code › Title 18 › Part I › Chapter 13 › § 241
18 U.S. Code § 241 - Conspiracy against rights  @


1 comment:

  1. Corrupt cops on the Santa Clara police force planted drugs in the home of Allison Ross, after they ransacked her home and found nothing. To make their transgression worse, they had no search warrant and Ms Ross denied them the right to search.

    The incident began at a neighbor’s house where Ms Ross’ husband was arrested on unspecified charges. They then made their way to the Ross house, where they tore the house apart looking for methamphetamine. The search turned up no drugs and the cops went outside to discuss the situation. It was there they decided to plant two bags of the drugs in the house. The plan might have worked, had they not made them in front of the dash cam. It recorded their entire conversation.

    They arrested Ms Ross for being under the influence of methamphetamine, but the D.A. tossed the charges because it was discovered that the cops had lied about the arrest. The question is, if they know the cops lied, why didn’t any of them face charges? Ms Ross is now suing along with her husband for false arrest, false imprisonment, malicious prosecution, negligent hiring and conspiracy.

    Radley Balco of the Washington Post observed:

    The suit also brings up two other questions: If the district attorney’s office dismissed the charges due to false statements, why haven’t the people who made those false statements been prosecuted for perjury? And why are these particular police officers still on the job?

    Has anyone besides me noticed the fact that all of the bad cops seem to be in liberal cities and states? Provocative, is it not? > GO TO: http://buzzpo.com/corrupt-california-cops-plant-drugs-caught-dash-cam/
