Tuesday, December 8, 2015


On 15 August 2015; John was at Blinkys' Can't Say Lounge on a Saturday night after having finished delivering his magazine deliveries for the month. After briefly reading the contents of one of the magazines John had delivered; John was particularly incensed about magazine articles regarding mass vaccinations.  John then moved towards the bar where the mystery man from Lockheed (MML) was sitting. It was a slow night and bartender Heather was milking MML for his big tip$.

Note: Desperate men like MML should realize that most divebartenders like Heather are no different than most hookers and/or strippers when it comes to using their clientele for ca$h. As soon as that cash flow dries up;  more often than not so does the divebartenders' undivided attention; much like the legal system here in America and abroad.

John had just sung the song "Godzilla" by Blue Oyster Cult (BOC); and was congratulated by Blinkys' regulars including Timmy; and Johns' good friend Larry among others (Timmy ended up being ejected from the club as well a few weeks after for supposedly "bothering customers"; but Timmy has now been allowed to return to Blinkys'). John was flying high from his amazing BOC performance; but MML seemed to be bothered by the attention John was getting; telling John to "SHUT UP!". (Note: MML buys his attention while John legitimately earns his attention with his talent; big difference).

In the days before this August 2015 incident with MML at Blinkys'; John had contacted several members of the California State Legislature regarding the Connection Magazines' vaccine articles; warning them of the highly probable negative consequences of mass vaccinations -- causing John to wonder whether MML was put up to his nonsense on that August 2015 night? Is somebody bothered by Johns' unstoppable outspoken nature? If so; too damn bad...


"Renown holistic doctor found dead one week after FDA raids clinic...

This seems to be the case with Dr. James Jeffrey Bradstreet, who was recently found dead after his body was discovered floating in a North Carolina river with a single gunshot wound to the chest. Bradstreet, a renowned physician known for his skepticism of immunizations (particularly the MMR vaccine), and his progressive autism research, was raided by the FDA one week before his mysterious death. The details of the raid remain largely unknown.

Personally affected by autism, as both his son and stepson were diagnosed with the condition, a significant portion of Dr. Bradstreet's work was dedicated to this cause. He even testified twice before the U.S House of Representatives about the link between vaccines and autism.

Dr. Bradstreet was working with a little-known molecule that occurs naturally in the human body. GcMAF (Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor), which is the GC protein after it combines with vitamin D in the body, has the potential to be a universal cure for cancer. It's also believed to be capable of treating and reversing autism, HIV, liver/kidney disease and diabetes. Dr. Bradstreet was working with a naturally occurring compound that may be the single most effective thing in the immune system for killing cancer cells

In an interview on the Hagmann and Hagmann Report, Dr. Ted Broer, an internationally recognized health and nutrition expert also based in Florida, describes how cutting edge Dr. Bradstreet's work was, as well as a discovery he made that very well may have placed him in great danger and could have been the motive for his suspected murder..."

> At the Oasis Nightclub in the years before the August 2015 incident; John had been befriended and/or approached by other alleged Lockheed employees like MML; Gary Perez who was an old neighborhood friend of Johns' sister and neighbor Bobby Martinez. Note: a head security guard from Shoreline Amphitheater approached John at the Oasis Nightclub one night asking John to work for him (after testing Johns' rock hard stomach with a light punch); then saying to John that he always sees "that guy" (pointing to Gary Perez) hanging around all the Mountain View cops at Shoreline Amphitheater during concerts; leading John to suspect that Gary Perez is in fact an undercover law enforcement agent of some sort. John was ejected from the Oasis Nightclub shortly after learning about the alleged secret status of Mister Perez (John already knew Gary had classified clearance and worked at Vandenburg Air Force base). 

Another supposed Lockheed employee who approached John at the Oasis Nightclub was "T"; an alleged CIA agent who around this same time was supposedly sent on a secret mission with 3 U.S. Marines with "a screw loose" to stop a nuclear device from being detonated on the San Andreas fault to create a 500 year seismic event; derived from loose nukes stolen by the Russian mafia (Note: T was sent on this secret mission as supposed punishment for giving John important intelligence information regarding how crooked Officer Don Paolinetti was and/or is. T did not like how John was being treated [and/or tortured] and was allegedly retaliated against and fired for speaking out to John about the toritous and/or torturous conduct John was experiencing at the time; opening the door to the possibility of serious federal malfeasance and/or Gross Negligence being involved).

This all leads John to believe that MML was perhaps ordered to do what he did (destabilization/disruption?) on that August 2015 night at Blinkys' in the days after John had contacted the California Legislature regarding the dangers of vaccines? Why else would MML (according to John's good friend Larry) go on and on for a half an hour afterwards; crying like a little baby over this non-incident?

Futhermore; when John first attended Blinkys' roughly two years before the August 2015 incident; an unreported bar fight broke out which Heather helped to break up. John then went over to help Heather by rubbing her shoulders and saying "Merry Christmas" to lighten up the mood. 

Heather then fell on the pool table in submission causing John to think that perhaps Heather liked John. (Heather's then boyfriend Talon was LIVID; but eventually got over it and became Johns' friend -- and John did not know that Heather had winked her eye during the pool table incident at then karaoke host JC). Not knowing about Heather's boyfriend or Heathers' eye wink to JC; John wrongfully assumed that Heather was single and planned on singing "Love her madly" by the Doors for Heather the next week after the pool table incident -- which John did with Heather secretly aware for about two years until the August 2015 incident. 

Things started quickly going south between John and Heather after the August 2015 incident when John stopped singing "Love her madly" by The Doors; as John purposefully failed to make eye contact with Heather for a number of months after this incident. 

IN RETROSPECT: 1) Between illegal discrimination and collusion by Heather at Blinkys; giving no non-arbitrary code-based reason to eject John; 2) lowly ex-divebartender Shannon at the Oasis Nightclub (who had John ejected much like Heather; without giving a non-arbitrary reason for doing so after karaoke host Doug had attacked John under surveillance cameras which Sunnyvale Officers Smith and Ochoa refused to access); 3) the bartender/owner of Woodhams Lounge who ejected John from the club after John had been viciously attacked by a customer; then sent John a computer virus because John called the SJPD instead of letting a bouncer handle the incident [!?!]; 4) and/or Johns' crazy sister who slandered John with no solid evidence to back it up etc etc etc -- women who want to be "empowered" or break through the "glass ceiling" blah blah blah etc etc etc had better seriously consider using their powers for the forces of the common good rather than the uncommon bad.

Those who want their rights protected; must also protect the rights of others...

NOTE: While California residents generally tend to think they have strong anti-discrimination laws (compared to North Carolina or Mississippi etc); the right to deny service in California is a large loop hole allowing various rights violators to pass through on a regular basis. Every day someone gets their rights violated by this vaguely written law here in the State of California.


SEE ALSO: INVESTIGATION: THREE DAYS BEFORE DOCTOR BRADSTREET WAS FOUND DEAD IN A RIVER; UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT AGENTS RAIDED HIS RESEARCH FACILITY TO SEIZE A BREAKTHROUGH CANCER TREATMENT CALLED GCMAFhttp://www.naturalnews.com/050553_Dr_Bradstreet_GcMAF_cancer_therapy.html#ixzz3tkcTfGbZ + DEPOPULATION TEST RUN? 75 PERCENT OF CHILDREN WHO RECEIVED VACCINES IN MEXICAN TOWN NOW DEAD OR HOSPITALIZED @ http://www.naturalnews.com/049669_vaccine_injury_depopulation_agenda_deadly_side_effects.html + NO MANDATORY MASS VACCINATIONS! PETITION @ http://www.thepetitionsite.com/343/995/772/no-mass-vaccinations-for-americans/ + THE SYNTHETIC BIOLOGICAL AGENT A.I.D.S. VERSUS FORCED MASS VACCINATIONS ETC @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/07/the-synthetic-biological-agent-aids.html + AIDS: SYNTHETIC BIOLOGICAL AGENT @ http://www.likroper.com/AIDS.html + WOODHAMS LOUNGE BARTENDER RETALIATION @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/02/woodhams-bartender-retaliation.html + OFFICERS SMITH AND OCHOA @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2019/11/posdps-officers-smith-and-ochoa-illegal.html

NOTE: The distinct possibility the United States government purposefully poisoned the human population with the AIDS "virus" as a response to the sexual revolution and/or 1960s baby boom puts into question all further efforts to force vaccinate the American population.  

 UPDATE / 20 JULY 2017: I found out yesterday from a covert source that the alleged "Mystery Man from Lockheed" is named John. Let this serve as a 'partial license plate' of sorts used to identify this conspiratorial civil rights violator (Heather/John) and bring him to justice...

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