Thursday, March 20, 2014


3d) PETITION FOR SPEED HUMPS ON DUNFORD WAY (excerpt from -- The second link below shows one of two petitions for speed humps that John submitted to the City of Santa Clara regarding installation on Dunford way. 

After 9 accidents on John's property and a public meeting at the Santa Clara Library with Santa Clara Traffic Engineers who promised increased traffic calming measures on Johns' street -- increased measures that were never implemented -- insufficient action was therefore taken by the City of Santa Clara to correct the dangerous situation on the street in front of Johns' place of residence; 'quantum mechanically' leading not only to the untimely death of John's brother Carl due to lax traffic enforcement on the part of both the City of Santa Clara AND Sunnyvale; but also the CHP along highway 101 where Carl died) leading to Danny Matos taking John's brothers' life on Christmas eve 1999 in a head-on collision (also perhaps leading to the death of his beloved cat Precious as well; that is if her death actually was an accident > go to: REST IN PEACE, PRECIOUS @


> The petition seen in the link below is more evidence showing John made repeated attempts to get the City of Santa Clara to correct the dangerous situation on the street in front of his house with no action taken; as not enough effort was and/or is still being placed upon traffic safety here in Santa Clara County (go to: Due to the efforts of one particular (now retired) Santa Clara Traffic Engineer named Chris Fernandez -- a friend of another Santa Clara Traffic Engineer who lives on Bluebird Avenue (and who recently installed astroturf!?!) SPEED HUMPS WERE NEVER INSTALLED ON DUNFORD WAY!?! 
NOTE: Retired Traffic Engineer Chris Fernandez was seen going across the street to Mr. Olenaks' house (wearing a Hawaiian shirt) to talk Mr. Olenak out of supporting the speed humps; something Mr. Astroturf later admitted to John in confidence. Mr. Astroturf also admitted that he just doesn't like speed humps. It is not Johns' intention to throw Mr. Astroturf under the bus; as he is a good neighbor; but this kind of conspiratorial activity is unacceptable if not illegal.


Wednesday, March 19, 2014


17 may 2005 - IN THE BEGINNING...
JOHN CREATED A VIDEO...then made notes of the various misuses of the Peterson field (driving and parking on the field, etc) then emailed this out to various governmental and media sources in an attempt to bring attention to the situation. (see video: THE MYSTERY LADY @ few weeks later, John heard from another neighbor lady that there was a plan to build high-density housing in the field as an 'answer' to this problem; a lady who gave John leaked SCUSD plans for the Peterson field!?! 

Shortly after this -- a few days before the first "secret" study session regarding the issue at the Sunnyvale City Council chambers -- John got wind of the study session plan and put out about 700+ flyers all over the neighborhood to bring this important issue to peoples' attention. (which was and/or is obviously in the publics' interest). People were apparently turned away at the door of the "secret" study session while John stayed home to watch some TV. John was later told the proposed projects' developer was VERY ANGRY that people found out about the plan. QUESTION: what is the name of this particular developer; and did he and/or she perhaps have something to do with the trouble John experienced over the last few years?

Since then, the Sunnyvale City Council has been all but silent about the issue; and the Sunnyvale police have regularly harassed and stalked John various times ever since then; deploying entire SWAT teams (!?!) for everything from feeding ducks to picking up litter etc etc etc; and all under the false guise of "doing their jobs". 

THE FACT IS: before 9-11, it was the government's dirty little secret that the FBI (etc) actively targeted and destabilized activists; and particularly African-American activist (see: ACLU archives), and now with the USA Patriot Act, it is apparently standard procedure. But! the events of September 11th, 2001 were the result of an inside job on the part of various entities including Saudi and American etc interests. Therefore; all laws that came out of this singular nefarious event are clearly not enforceable and/or Constitutional; and NEED TO BE EXPUNGED ASAP!

9-11 Conspiracy Solved Names, Connections, & Details Exposed!

After the Sunnyvale City Council meeting in question;  the bird spikes seen in the photo above suddenly showed up on a streetlight pole outside John's house. John used to have spiritual moments in the morning as the sun rose with a dove sitting on top of that pole; moments ended by this apparently retaliatory action. 

NOTE: A few weeks after the installation of the bird spikes in question; John spoke to a Sunnyvale street worker and asked about the spikes; and the street worker said that a neighbor requested the spikes; and that the THE CITY COUNCIL EXPEDITED THE PROCESS!?! This shows how government directly retaliates against particularly successful activists -- or any activist for that matter -- because of (essentially unconstitutional) government dissent clauses. Question: how many other streetlight poles have bird spikes installed in the City of Sunnyvale? John has not seen any other spikes like this yet in the city of Sunnyvale…

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

GANG STALKING (continued)...

GANG STALKING @ > Gang stalking is a form of community mobbing and organized stalking combined. Just like you have workplace mobbing, and online mobbing, which are both fully recognized as legitimate, this is the community form. it's a psychological attack that can completely destroy a persons life, while leaving little or no evidence to incriminate the perpetrators."

Gang Stalking is stalking by more than one person to a victim, usually involving community harassment, or the "mob", using people from all backgrounds and vocations to harass, tracking 24/7, sometimes organizing lethal vehicle accidents, poisonings, electronic harassment, home invasions/property destruction, corrupt or ignorant doctor diagnosis given to stamp the victim as bogus mentally ill with delusions, paranoia, or schizophrenia, etc. 

RELATED STORIES: PSYCHOLOGICALHARRASSMENT.COM @ THE TAKEDOWN PROGRAM AND GANG STALKING @ + Police and NSA gang stalking, mind torture in America @ + The Gangstalking Program Explained @ + Government Gang Stalking secrets 1 @ + "The End Game 2013" ~ Steve Quayle on Gang Stalking, Mind Control, The Coming Collapse @ + Gang Stalking (continued) @ + YOU TUBE "GANG STALKING" SEARCH RESULTS @

NOTE: The most insidious thing about all of this is that local police and/or local government in general in a very large sense used common gang tactics to destabilize a very powerful and outspoken dissident. In other words; they used teenagers and local thugs to do dirty work that police and/or government in general could not do without jail time; legal action; termination or reprimand. These various individuals were allowed to target John without recourse for many years.

> In a nutshell: John was repeatedly and continually harassed for a number of years since getting involved in Sunnyvale politics and/or filing a complaint against the Santa Clara Police department in 2007; where it appears John was ambushed by two vehicles laying in wait for him to return home; an ambush that was ultimately foiled by the high speed John was traveling on his bicycle at the time; and a cell phone deployed during the drive-by attack -- a cell phone which took no photos but which worked as a deterrent to scatter the criminals involved in this malicious late-night vandalism and near vehicular manslaughter -- John is almost certain the individuals involved in the night time attack were essentially put up to it by rogue members of the Santa Clara police department (Pablo Lopez etc) seeking revenge for John's complaint filing --

View the complaint filed by John:

EXCERPT FROM LIKROPER.COM/CIVILRIGHTS1.doc: 23) GANG STALKING -- Worldwide programs of control and conformity have been used with equal success and lethality. What we are seeing now is a global co-ordinated and organised effort of control and conformity. Many countries around the world are currently using a model of policing called: Community Oriented Policing. It's described as a systemic approach to policing. It focuses on instilling a sense of community within a geographically located neighborhood. Communities come together and discuss what values they would like to have in their community, community development, and it's also a time to discuss any problems that might be happening in a specific area. If a problem is identified an investigation might be opened. These local programs in many countries have been  forming partnerships with other government run programs at, provincial, state and federal levels. Reports of Gang Stalking are not only coming in from democratic countries, but they are coming in from many other countries as well…
The modern day systemic form of control could only be funded at higher governmental levels, just like it has in other societies where these similar types of harassment programs have been implemented. It's all part of a system of control and conformity  that has been in place for many years. A system of control with many local groups and appendages taking part - What are the goals of Gang Stalking? -- go to:

Note: this Gang Stalking link adds an interesting dimension to this case; as practically all methods of Gang Stalking control mentioned within the link were experienced by John over the last few years -- luckily though; John is a rebellious, intelligent man who can take their crap and throw it back in their faces in a very unsavory -- yet legal -- fashion on down the wise cracker line…The impenetrable spirit of THE MIGHTY LIK ROPER (and/or John) cannot -- and will not -- EVER be broken…

But the fact remains that an evil brand of sleep deprivation torture was inflicted upon John; driving him out of his house and even to the point of near death (medical records available from Palo Alto Medical Foundation; Kaiser Permanente; and Santa Clara County -- main hospital) -- AND THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE…


The Justice Department has written two letters to the U.S District Court in Maryland supporting the Constitutional rights of citizens arrested for filming police officers on duty.  

“The United States urges the Court to find that both the First and Fourth Amendments protect an individual who peacefully photographs police activity on a public street,” one letter read. The letters stem from two recent Maryland examples of something that is happening all over the country. Police in a number of states have arrested people even though several courts have said citizens have a right to record police activity in public. 


QUESTION: Did the Asian lady P.E. teacher who John mentioned in the video above get fired from her job for perhaps unknowingly taking sides in this matter? NOTE: No bullhorn was used during the questionable event regarding Johns' litter cleanup by the Sunnyvale police as stated in the police report of the event. The Sunnyvale police lied about this event.

GANG STALKING @ > Gang stalking is a form of community mobbing and organized stalking combined. Just like you have workplace mobbing, and online mobbing, which are both fully recognized as legitimate, this is the community form. it's a psychological attack that can completely destroy a persons life, while leaving little or no evidence to incriminate the perpetrators."

Gang Stalking is stalking by more than one person to a victim, usually involving community harassment, or the "mob", using people from all backgrounds and vocations to harass, tracking 24/7, sometimes organizing lethal vehicle accidents, poisonings, electronic harassment, home invasions/property destruction, corrupt or ignorant doctor diagnosis given to stamp the victim as bogus mentally ill with delusions, paranoia, or schizophrenia, etc. 

RELATED STORIES: PSYCHOLOGICALHARRASSMENT.COM @ THE TAKEDOWN PROGRAM AND GANG STALKING @ + Police and NSA gang stalking, mind torture in America @ + The Gangstalking Program Explained @ + Government Gang Stalking secrets 1 @ + "The End Game 2013" ~ Steve Quayle on Gang Stalking, Mind Control, The Coming Collapse @ + Gang Stalking (continued) @ + YOU TUBE "GANG STALKING" SEARCH RESULTS @

NOTE: The most insidious thing about all of this is that local police and/or local government in general in a very large sense used common gang tactics to destabilize a very powerful and outspoken dissident. In other words; they used teenagers and local thugs to do dirty work that police and/or government in general could not do without jail time; legal action; termination or reprimand. These various individuals were allowed to target John without recourse for many years.

EXCERPT FROM LIKROPER.COM/CIVILRIGHTS1.doc: 23) GANG STALKING -- Worldwide programs of control and conformity have been used with equal success and lethality. What we are seeing now is a global co-ordinated and organised effort of control and conformity. Many countries around the world are currently using a model of policing called: Community Oriented Policing. It's described as a systemic approach to policing. It focuses on instilling a sense of community within a geographically located neighborhood. Communities come together and discuss what values they would like to have in their community, community development, and it's also a time to discuss any problems that might be happening in a specific area. If a problem is identified an investigation might be opened. These local programs in many countries have been  forming partnerships with other government run programs at, provincial, state and federal levels. Reports of Gang Stalking are not only coming in from democratic countries, but they are coming in from many other countries as well…

The modern day systemic form of control could only be funded at higher governmental levels, just like it has in other societies where these similar types of harassment programs have been implemented. It's all part of a system of control and conformity  that has been in place for many years. A system of control with many local groups and appendages taking part - What are the goals of Gang Stalking? -- go to:

Note: this gang stalking link adds an interesting dimension to this case; as practically all methods of gang stalking control mentioned within the link were experienced by John over the last few years -- luckily though; John is a rebellious, intelligent man who can take their crap and throw it back in their faces in a very unsavory -- yet legal -- fashion on down the wise cracker line…The impenetrable spirit of THE MIGHTY ROPER (and/or John) cannot -- and will not -- EVER be broken…

But the fact remains that an evil brand of sleep deprivation torture was inflicted upon John; driving him out of his house and even to the point of near death (medical records available from Palo Alto Medical Foundation; Kaiser Permanente; and Santa Clara County -- main hospital) -- AND THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE…

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Johns' mother died when John was but 10 years old; and his brother Carl died in a head-on collision returning home on Christmas eve 1999; but since John was given UNLAWFUL ORDERS VIOLATING HIS CIVIL RIGHTS AND CIVIL LIBERTIES (which John has TOTALLY IGNORED) by Santa Clara police officers Seagrave and Lopez at a SHAM TRIAL regarding Johns' government sanctioned duck feeding; JOHNS' FATHER NO LONGER VISITS THIS GRAVE SITE BECAUSE HE DOES NOT TRUST THE SANTA CLARA POLICE DEPARTMENT!?! (NOTE: ex-Santa Clara Mayor Judy Nadler told John at a City Council meeting that he could IN FACT feed the ducks the City of Santa Clara ILLEGALLY DISPLACED).

John's father had his Civil Rights violated as well by being illegally detained and threatened by Santa Clara police officers Seagrave and Lopez at the end of this very same bogus SHAM TRIAL regarding duck feeding. A bogus administrative hearing where Mr. Olenak admitted to his attack on John in front of not only Judge Louis Amadeo, Jr.; but also officers Seagrave and Lopez; and several other witnesses as well. And because of this; Johns' 80+ year old father no longer visits this grave site because he not only does not trust the Santa Clara police department; but any police department for that matter; and especially after all the extra layers of bullshit Sunnyvale police later added to this stinking, corrupt government shit pile. 

"These actions are contrary to the United States Constitution, therefore John does not not recognize the results administered under threats of violence and intimidation from questionable, seemingly police-sanctioned activities that violate federal law."

> NOTE: Ratification of the United States Constitution WAS DELAYED FOR ABOUT 12 YEARS DUE TO CIVIL LIBERTIES CONCERNS; and this is precisely why the U.S. Constitution was finally ratified on June 21, 1788. And those concerns for Civil Liberties have not lessened; if anything Civil Liberties are equally important now as they were then; if not more -- and this will not change any time soon...


Doug Ward recently relocated to Nevada with his girlfriend Tara (see photo below). QUESTION: Why did Doug move away out of state so abruptly? Is this some sort of an admission of guilt and/or evasive action on his part? Is Doug fleeing the scene just like the Paolinettit family and/or Jake Paolinetti recently did? 

"Smiling faces sometimes...they don't tell THE TRUTH" -- The Undisputed Truth

Note: KJ Doug was angry all of the time at the time because his girlfriend Tara (seen in the photo above) was allegedly "not giving him any" (in other words; KJ Doug) therefore making KJ Doug very angry and unstable emotionally during many karaoke nights at the Oasis Nightclub; literally driving out countless disgusted patrons due to his bad attitude and angry demeanor... 


After messaging California State Attorney General Kamala Harris for several months about a variety of issues (in an attempt to perhaps bring attention to very important issues Kamalas' may have missed); suddenly one day in November of 2013; John was abruptly cut off from being able to message Ms. Harris after sending the link seen below. Regardless of whether or not there is any validity to the claim made within the article; this kind of evasive and/or prohibitive action not only shows an indifference and/or callousness towards the Johns' efforts  to communicate with Ms. Harris; but it also shows a callousness towards Johns' free speech and expression in general as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution (it also shows Ms. Harris may be trying to cover up this seemingly very important story).

QUESTION: Why did Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Lisa Steingard tell John he was welcome to communicate with her via mail any time; while Kamala Harris blocked Johns' communication efforts? > GO TO:

“The transcripts of the JCBI meetings also show that some of the Committee members had extensive ties to pharmaceutical companies and that the JCVI frequently co-operated with vaccine manufactures on the strategies aimed at boosting vaccine uptake. Some of the meetings at which such controversial items were discussed were not intended to be publicly available, as the transcripts were only released later, through the Freedom of Information Act (FOI). These particular meetings are denoted in the transcripts as “commercial in confidence,” and reveal a clear and disturbing lack of transparency, as some of the information was removed from the text (i.e., the names of the participants) prior to transcript release under the FOI section at the JCVI website.” 

NOTE: John now instead emails POTUS daily @