Friday, November 8, 2013


On December 3rd, 2011; John's beloved cat Precious was found dead on the street in front of his house. The last time John saw Precious was at about 5:30 am on that very same morning; when John said: "I love you, Precious" then went to sleep. After waking up at about 10:30 am the very same day; Johns' neighbors found Precious dead in the street; and came over to tell John what happened. While the death of Precious appeared to be an accident; John suspects that it was made to LOOK like an accident when it very likely was not. 

If you click on this link: > > you will see a dead dog who was apparently killed the same barbaric way as Precious during the recent Romanian dog slaughter (warning: contains graphic imagery). Do you notice blood around the dogs' body? There was absolutely NO blood at the scene of the crime where Precious was found dead; only clear fluid from her head after being smashed in the street. (no photos were taken; but several witnesses saw her body). The evidence was suspicious and suggested foul play was somehow involved.

About one month later after the death of Precious; 
John found this email from Jake Paolinetti in his email inbox:

--- On Sat, 12/10/11, Jake Paolinetti <> wrote: From: Jake Paolinetti <> Subject: videos To: "" <> Date: Saturday, December 10, 2011, 2:18 PM 

Hi this is Jake Paolinetti, I am sorry about all the harassing and headaches I have caused you in the past and wanted to let you know I am done with it all and won't be happening anymore.  I was also wondering if you could take down the videos of me?  I would really appreciate it, because that person in those videos isn't me. Thank you, Jake  

(the videos in question can be found at:

NOTE: John believes Jake Paolinetti and friends are likely responsible for the death of Precious; but no official action was ever taken to prove and/or disprove this possibility.


1 comment:

  1. one of the big lessons of hurricane katrina was that people actually care as much or more about their pets than they do about light of this; you would think government would treat our pets and/or animals in general with greater respect...the truth is; many in government don't care about you; or your pets...
