Friday, March 15, 2013


EXCERPTS FROM NEIGHBORHOOD COPWATCH: "What happens during this Gang Stalking surveillance is very similar to what happened to many innocent individuals in the former East Germany or Activists and Dissidents in Russia. 

Many innocent people in the former East Germany would be targeted for these harassment programs, and then their friends, family, and the community at large would be used to monitor, prosecute, and harass them. In Russia it was used by the state to declare activist, dissidents or anyone they thought to be an enemy of the state as mentally unfit and many were institutionalised using this form of systemic control. The closest thing to Gang Stalking that democratic countries have seen before this is McCarthyism, Cointelpro, and RED SQUAD programs. Red Squad programs were used for monitoring, and harassment of various groups. They have been in place for over a hundred years, and they also employed Covert Human Intelligence Sources.

Civilian Spies, also known as "Covert Human Intelligence Sources" are recruited from every level and sector of society. Just like with Cointelpro investigations, everyone in the targets' life is made a part of this ongoing never ending, systemic psychological harassment and manipulation of the target. These actions are specifically designed to control the target and to keep them in line. These actions are also designed to destroy the target over years, make them look crazy and leave them with no form of support - For the targets of this harassment, Gang Stalking is experienced as a covert psychological, emotional and physical attack, that is capable of immobilizing and destroying a target over time. For the state it’s a way to keep the targets in line, control them, or destroy them." > Go to:

SEE ALSO: GOVERNMENT-SPONSORED STALKING? etc > "Why hasn't the mainstream media "connected the dots"? A frightening mosaic of unconstitutional abuses has nullified the rule of law and the right of due process under the law. Human rights violations are taking place in cities and towns across America -- People are being targeted for ruin -- financially, socially and physically -- by an organized campaign of vigilantism that some victims believe is funded and supported by multiple levels of government, perhaps using citizen "watch" and volunteer programs as a front for extra-legal harassment and persecution.

The phenomenon, which is starting to break through to the mainstream media, is commonly known as "gang stalking" and "community stalking." But that nomenclature tends to trivialize the issue -- This is a re-emergence of the KKK, the Stazi and the Gestapo. It is mob rule seemingly coordinated and condoned by rogue elements within the power structure > This link explains it, and contains sublinks to additional information:" > Read more @



  1. The problem is: John is much too strong and way too intelligent to be ultimately "destroyed over time" by ANYONE...nice try though...if anything is destroyed; it will be THE GOVERNMENTS' REPUTATION...

  2. David Graham said: "Very true and exactly what I went through in upstate NY. The case was sent to the da's office for prosecution and sadly the attorney that got the case...friends with those involved, so no justice"...
