Thursday, September 3, 2015


EXCERPT FROM LIKROPER.COM: 8 may 2006 - PETERSON MIDDLE SCHOOL FIELD (CONTINUED) - "i found this baby ground squirrel on may 27th, 2005 right in front of the peterson middle school field bleachers...after taking this photo, i whisked the baby squirrel off to wildlife rescue in palo alto, and made a $10 donation...and since mating season is upon us again; burrowing owl/ground squirrel territory should be officially designated once and for all (see mission college photos below) and any unnecessary lawn cutting (see: photo above), dog walking and/or any other invasive activities should be carefully avoided in some sensitive areas until after the ground squirrels' breeding season (tall grass will provide protection for the young ground squirrels)...once official habitat is designated and a fence is constructed around the newly designated territory, barn owl boxes can be brought into the pre-existing Peterson nature area to expand the ecosystem and naturally control the ground squirrel population..." 

(Note: Barn owls are nocturnal; while ground squirrels are diurnal)

EXCERPTS FROM LIKROPER.COM: FULL CIRCLE FARM ORGANIC CERTIFICATION NOW IN JEOPARDY? -- "John was at the initial Sunnyvale City Council meetings back in 2006 discussing the presence of California Ground Squirrels at the Peterson field; and not only did John have his civil rights violated by being ejected from the meeting by council member Otto Lee (who was perhaps correctly sent off to Iraq for duty shortly after this event) but John was also speaking about an important subject that has repeatedly come up in the past few years since then: the unique presence of wildlife at the Peterson field; which was entirely left out of the initial SCUSD (Santa Clara Unified School District) "White Paper" which discussed environmental concerns etc at the field..."

> GO TO: ILLEGAL PESTICIDE APPLICATION @ FULL CIRCLE FARM IN SUNNYVALE?! @ to this: John had his civil rights egregiously violated even further by being removed from the Peterson field while performing journalistic duties gathering important information which is clearly in the public interest (go to:"

Furthermore; since the SCUSDs' illegal poisoning of an important Wildlife Corridor (go to: [Rest in peace Ira Ruskin]) at the Peterson field; the Full Circle "Organic" Farm is now having a hard time getting it's organic certification.

THE BOTTOM LINE: If John had been listened to in the beginning; none of this would be happening. But! Since John was instead repeatedly ignored (and/or repeatedly attacked with no arrests made and/or harassed and/or stalked and/or deprived of sleep on numerous occasions and/or shot at by the Sunnyvale police after picking up litter and/or etc etc etc) this situation now exists. 

QUESTION: Why does the U.S. government hold public hearings when they have no real intention of actually listening to any dissenting constituent individuals; other than through dissent clauses and/or covert surveillance?


*Roughly 5 acres of land just behind Mission College have been designated as permanent wildlife habitat for California ground squirrels and/or burrowing owls. Is this habitat still being protected? > SEE ALSO:

 "The greatness of a nation and the depth of its' moral progress can be judged by the way its' animals are treated..." - Mahatma Gandhi

John first became aware of the presence of ground squirrels at the Peterson Middle School field on the 4th of July many years ago while watching fireworks from the field bleachers with some old friends. At some point; John looked down over the back of the bleachers and suddenly realized there were ground squirrel burrows. This was the official beginning of Johns' nearly decade-long campaign to protect those ground squirrels. 

It is common knowledge that those who harm animals are likely to harm humans as well; therefore when John found out the ground squirrels were being abused he immediately went to work to stop the abuse. Not only are California ground squirrels a "keystone species"; but among MANY other species -- burrowing owls (who used to reside in the Peterson field as well) rely on ground squirrels for habitat. > GO TO: LORD OF THE BURROWS @ + APPLE IS PRETENDING TO BE GREEN!? @

One day a few years after taking the photo of the baby ground squirrel seen above; John saw the Peterson field being mowed with a large industrial mower like it has been for years. This made John realize that baby ground squirrels have likely been killed for many years as well in this field. Therefore; as any good journalist would; John documented the situation and was retaliated against after doing so (for essentially video recording someone who was mowing a lawn); even though new federal laws protect ALL journalists (bloggers; ect) regardless of their lack of connection to the lamestream corporate monopoly/media.

Adding to the confusion; this isolated non-incident believe it or not has likely caused local officials to begin talking about either moving the voting station that has been at Peterson High School and Middle School for about 40 years or so elsewhere; and/or changing to a less secure mail voting system. 

But! John once worked in a mail room long ago at Lansing Corporation in Atherton, California; and it was the biggest disorganized mess John has ever experienced. Important mail falling through the cracks between desks; boxes of unsorted late mail etc etc etc. If voting over a supposedly closed internet system is able to be hacked and/or not secure; then using the U.S. Postal Service system for voting is even less secure. As a society we need to go forward; not backwards -- and moving back to a snail mail voting system because somebody video recorded a janitor mowing a lawn is clearly moving backwards. More focus needs to be placed on secure voting with new technologies like smart phones; ATMs; PCs etc (instead of developing more interactive Zynga games; for instance). 

If people can make secure multi-thousand dollar transactions over the world wide web; than they can also securely vote over a closed secure internet system. 


FULL CIRCLE FARM IN SUNNYVALE: At two points in time in the past few years; John has entered the Full Circle Farm to clean up litter within the farm boundaries and has been reprimanded two separate times by now ex-farm managers. Sunnyvale D.P.S. was called both times with no arrests made; only friendly unlawful orders to stay out of the farm. 

The second set of responding Officers gave kind unlawful orders to stay out of the farm as John was busy clearing non-native Star Thistle plant from the church lot across the street from the farm (John has nearly eradicated Star Thistle from the church property over the last several years)

Full Circle Farm is a farm that John was instrumental in bringing to the community through the distribution of roughly 10,000 flyers; a farm that entered into a agreement with local neighbors allowing anyone in the surrounding community to volunteer for the farm if they so desire. Full Circle Farm eventually got a new farm manager named Moses Omolade (who has played basketball for the Golden State Warriors and the Harlem Globetrotters etc; and even got John shooting hoops once again after many years without) but Moses has unfortunately since left the farm manager position. Moses Omolade was born in Africa and came to America with a clear view of equality. Moses said the Full Circle Farm is for the local community and that John was a part that local community. John then donated an apricot seedling to the farm that is now somewhere out in the Peterson field.


OFFICER ODLE -- In early October 2011; a Sunnyvale police officer named "Odle" came by John's house one morning. Officer Odle said John's videos @ were the subject of a morning police briefing (President Obama was in town; so local government was hastily trying to appear like they were actually doing their jobs for once) John spoke to Officer Odle about the events which had transpired over the last few years; and Officer Odle ended up giving a ticket to the vehicle seen below (see photo below); Officer Odle had been experiencing the same kind of harassment; so he seemed truly concerned about John's situation. But despite Officer Odle's valiant actions; this was still but a bandaid that need to be put over a gaping 5 year old wound -- Question: Officer Odle promised to go to the Paolinetti's house and talk to Jake Paolinetti's father, did Officer Odle ever do this? > Photo of the vehicle Officer Odle ticketed (below)
THE SUNNYVALE POLICE ATTEMPT TO CHANGE A REPORTERS' STORY -- The Sunnyvale police sent an armed officer to Johns' house (Officer Odle) to get John to change his you tube story after featuring Johns' you tube web site at the Sunnyvale police briefing that same morning. John originally wrote "POLICE-SPONSORED STALKING AND HARASSMENT" on top of some of the you tube videos @ causing Officer Odle to ask John if he would change the title to take out the police-sponsored reference; VIOLATING JOHNS' CIVIL RIGHTS (etc) IN THE PROCESS -- THE FACT IS: after so many years of having this abuse happening to John; and a police officers' son essentially using a Police Officers' vehicle to harass and stalk John etc; the local police departments (by default) are now in a very large sense responsible for the nightmare John experienced for so many years > AND WHILE ONE REPORTER MAY BE BACKING DOWN (see link below) JOHN IS CLEARLY NOT. In a very large sense; John  was fooled by Officer Odle into thinking Officer Odle actually cared about Johns' situation; when all he really wanted John to do was change the title of his you tube video. > RELATED STORY:

MALICIOUS PERSECUTION AND/OR DISCRIMINATION – Lieutenant Simpson suggesting John is mentally unstable is an abuse of power; and has caused harm to John’s reputation -- And even if John was mentally unstable [which John clearly is not] as Lieutenant Simpson suggested; discriminating against those with disabilities (even if those disabilities are clearly imagined as they are in this case) is against the law…And in the meantime; nothing was ever done to prove or disprove Lieutenant Simpson's armchair-psychologist claims. 

EXCERPTS FROM INSIDEBAYAREA.COM: "We have toured scores of jails and prisons throughout the nation and the conditions we observed in the Santa Clara jail unit were harsher and more punitive than most we have visited," wrote Donald Spector, director of the Berkeley-based Prison Law Office, in the letter. The Sheriff's Office plans to seek input from the FBI on its operations and "will continue to review and improve its current policies, procedures and protocols for safely managing those in custody," particularly those who are mentally ill. 

"They kind of pick on the mentally ill," said a 23-year-old male inmate who asked not to be identified because he may be called as a witness in the case and is also afraid of possible retribution. "They're not someone who is going to fight back or who has family that is going to press the issue." > GO TO: 

ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS: Adding to this; this is not necessarily only a case of 'imagined disabilities' discrimination; but it is also perhaps can be seen as having a racial element as well; as this kind of sustained harassment and stalking of John would not have been allowed by law enforcement to continue for this long against his African American, Mexican and/or Chinese (etc) neighbors. And Jake Paolinetti and friends would not have done the same thing if John was African-American; nor would the police departments in question have reacted the same way. This is CLEARLY a case of BLATANT reverse racial discrimination some people claim does not exist. At one time Caucasians were the only protected class; but it's equal protection for ALL now…

And if this same kind of stalking, harassment and verbal threats happened to a female [and/or a police officer's place of residence]; the reaction on the part of the police and/or society in general would be quite different as well; as this is clearly another side of the discrimination regarding gender. 

For instance; if a woman was stalked in the same way John was; and that woman finally got fed up with it and went out in the street to record the culprits; and was backed up roughly 30 feet; executing a defensive karate chop that successfully subdued Jake Paolinetti (hypothetical situation) it would be celebrated in the local newspapers and on TV. Equal rights for all cannot be obtained; until ALL are treated the same and protected equally.

NOTE: In 1973 a psychologist sent sane volunteers to mental institutions. All were diagnosed with psychiatric disorders > 

POSITIVE OFFICER ASSESSMENTS -- 1) *Officer Jim Carrell* -- Officer Carrell is one of the only Sunnyvale police officers who chose to help John. The first night Officer Carrell responded; Officer Carrell knew of the exacerbated medical condition John was suffering from due to the continuous stalking and harassment John was experiencing; and this is proof of John's communications with Officer Carrell: go to: EMAIL THREAD TO OFFICER JIM CARRELL @ 2) *Officer Odle* -- Of the many officers who failed and/or refused to help John; Officer Odle is another Sunnyvale police officer who actually offered to help John. John believes Officer Odle is a good person; regardless of the fact that Officer Odle came by to get John to change his reporting style on his you tube site. Officer Odle had and/or has been experiencing the same kind of harassment as John; and John's first response was wanting to help Officer Odle in catching the people who are and/or were stalking and/or harassing officer Odle. 

Furthermore; John suspects Officer Odle was ordered to do what he did that day; so Officer Odle is not necessarily at fault; as Officer Odle may have just been following orders from 'higher ups' and was perhaps somewhat 'under duress' by the actions of his fellow officers at the time. John believes officer Odle is truly a good police officer -- 3) *Officer Hernandez* -- Officer Hernandez was one of three officers who confronted John after taking photos and videos of a maintenance person mowing the Peterson field lawn; leading to the creation of this video > The two other officers on the scene that day with officer Hernandez seemed to be looking to Officer Hernandez for guidance. Officer Hernandez had a friendly demeanor and seemed to know exactly what John was doing; signaling to the other officers to back off; then letting John continue cleaning up the litter in the neighborhood as John always does. 

But! John suspects when news of this situation got back to the Sunnyvale police station; Hernandez was effectively over-ruled by higher-ups who were and/or perhaps still are 'out to get' John; causing yet another Officer to visit Johns' residence; giving John an illegal order to not exercise on the Peterson property during hours when everyone else in the neighborhood clearly and freely does and/or has for many years. (See: Discrimination); 4) *Officer X* -- Officer X was the Officer who transported John to the Santa Clara police station after the questionable wrongful arrest and/or false imprisonment by Officer Pablo Lopez. John believes it was Officer X's testimony which brought on the initial investigation into Pablo Lopezs' illegal actions; and John wonders whether or not Officer X experienced any kind of bad treatment due to his breaking of the police code of silence? 

5) *Lieutenant Tracy Hern* -- Lieutenant Hern recently responded to a call John made to the Sunnyvale Police Departments' 24 hour non-emergency line regarding the safety of the street John lives on. Lieutenant Hern came out to Johns' house and was very professional in manner. The impression John got was that Lieutenant Hern is a decent human being worthy of the position he holds. 6) Other than the aforementioned officers and possibly a few other honorable officers who have not been mentioned ('Officer Bullshit' and/or O.B. etc); few other Sunnyvale and/or Santa Clara police officers have chosen to follow their sworn oath to protect and serve John; and/or to protect Johns' various in/unalienable constitutional rights; leading to the bad situation that now exists. Roughly 8 out of 10 officers have chosen to be in dereliction of duty; and this ratio must improve. Note: The worst of the worst are Santa Clara Officers Seagrave and Lopez; and/or now ex-Sunnyvale D.P.S. Officer Beninger.

NOTE: Other Sunnyvale D.P.S. Officers John sees as being good and/or upstanding are: Officer Jason Nielsen who responded to Johns' call to document Johns' sisters' questionable conduct. Officer Nielsen was very understanding about the situation. Other honorable mentions include Neighborhood Resource Officers Gantt and Fujii -- and Officer Winkleman who encouraged John to "get a good lawyer"; causing John to instead attempt to become his own 'good lawyer' due to class-based financial discrimination. > go to: VANDALISM BY JAKE PAOLINETTI AND FRIENDS? (THE REBHOLTZ BROTHERS ETC?) @ + CIVIL RIGHTS: AN OVERVIEW @

"I have several cops as patients. They scare me. They really do. They often score the same on personality disorder tests as violent criminals. No shit" -- Anonymous 



EXCERPTS FROM CIVILRIGHTS1.doc: ILLEGAL EXERCISING? 1 nov 2011 -- While out exercising at the Peterson field 1 Nov 2011; John made a short video of a Santa Clara unified School District worker who was mowing the lawn (go to:; This caused the maintenance worker to call the Sunnyvale police.

The problem is; the U.S. State Department is now giving out software to allow people in foreign countries to avoid duress while doing the very same thing John was doing on that day; 1 November 2011 (go to: 

While the Officer who came to John's residence on that day was very professional in manner; coming to John's place of residence and (unsuccessfully) attempting to limit John's civil liberties on public property at the Peterson field; 1) which John not only brought an organic farm to through his activist works, but also; 2) where John attended a Peterson High School mega-reunion last summer as an alumni of Peterson High School; 3) and also where John cleans up litter the SCUSD refuses to clean up, and not only after Police Athletic League (PAL) games; but also year around; 4) while doing exactly what the Sunnyvale Police Department sanctioned John to do; 5) egregiously violated John's civil rights in the process.

The Sunnyvale police department pulled a "bait and switch" on John over what essentially amounts to LEGAL video recording in the public domain. Note: John has a Facebook friend who is an independent film producer and MTV video editor; and this person has been inspiring John to make videos; as well as the Sunnyvale police department…

Adding to this; while immigrants in general should NEVER have their rights violated in any way; NEITHER SHOULD U.S. CITIZENS. The SCUSD maintenance employee who was mowing the lawn is clearly an immigrant; but no immigrant should EVER violate the in/unalienable rights of ANY American citizen who was born within this country…

"All around the world there are enormously courageous journalists and bloggers who, at great risk to themselves, are trying to shine a light on the critical issues that the people of their country face; who are the front lines against tyranny and oppression. And obviously the loss of Daniel Pearl was one of those moments that captured the world's imagination because it reminded us of how valuable a free press is, and it reminded us that there are those who would go to any length in order to silence journalists around the world." -- President Barack Obama

It appears some within the Sunnyvale police department may have retaliated against a whistle blower (John) and also violated his voting rights for recently coming forward with information about a pending lawsuit by ordering John to stay off a property where John had to vote, and all due to the fact that John made a video which the Sunnyvale police department essentially sanctioned through Officer Odle (The video is of a Peterson Middle School employee mowing the lawn > go to: John therefore had his voting rights violated...

8 nov 2011 @ 7:24 AM -- In the photos seen above are two witnesses to the event (witnesses A and B -- see Sunnyvale police car in the background); these witnesses have seen John clean up litter in the neighborhood for many years now without incident. Note: The dog on the left fell ill after this incident and was put to sleep ever since dangerous pesticides were applied to the Peterson field. The dog suddenly had a tumor appear in his nose; the same snout he used to sniff around on the field were the poison was applied (Peterson Middle School Principal Katherine Harris is largely responsible for this act of animal cruelty).
VOTING RIGHTS ACT OF 1965 / SEC. 11. (a) No person acting under color of law shall fail or refuse to permit any person to vote who is entitled to vote under any provision of this Act or is otherwise qualified to vote, or willfully fail or refuse to tabulate, count, and report such person's vote. (b) No person, whether acting under color of law or otherwise, shall intimidate, threaten, or coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for voting or attempting to vote, or intimidate, threaten, or coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for urging or aiding any person to vote or attempt to vote, or intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for exercising any powers or duties under section 3(a), 6,8,9,10, or 12 (e). > go to:

VIOLATION OF THE VOTING RIGHTS ACT OF 1965 + RETALIATION AGAINST A WHISTLE BLOWER | 8 nov 2011 -- A few days before the aforementioned event; John had his voting rights violated by the Sunnyvale police department when he was ordered to stay off the Peterson middle school property on a day when he had to vote (see above) -- Furthermore; John also had just created the OCCUPY SUNNYVALE Facebook web page @ -- QUESTION: Were the actions of the Sunnyvale police department actually just essentially paranoid over-reactions to Johns' new OCCUPY SUNNYVALE free speech web page, and was the federal government somehow involved in these illegal suppression efforts?  A Freedom Of Information Act (F.O.I.A.) form must now be filed to the appropriated government division to see if there was any federal collusion with the Sunnyvale police department behind this flagrant violation of Johns' voting rights…


On the morning of September 26, 2012 John went out running as usual -- After helping a kid cross the street on his way to Peterson middle school; the Principal of Peterson drove up and was concerned about John helping yet another kid across the often dangerous street. But John has been bringing the dangerous traffic situation to the attention of the City of Sunnyvale for a number of months with no action taken. And in fact; John has a crosswalk out in front of his house where he helps people cross the street regularly > see video @ > And even though Lieutenant Hern was very professional in dealing with John about the issue with the Principal (John called the Sunnyvale 24-hour non-emergency to tell them about the event; causing Lieutenant Hern to visit John the next day to talk about it) Being forced off a campus where John has to vote in November of 2012 is yet another violation of the Voting Rights Act. This is as much for John as it is for all other people in Johns' neighborhood who have the need to vote at the Peterson Middle School campus…

One day a few years after taking the photo of the baby ground squirrel seen above; John saw the Peterson field being mowed with a large industrial mower like it has been for years. This made John realize that baby ground squirrels have likely been killed for many years as well in this field. Therefore; as any good journalist would; John documented the situation and was retaliated against after doing so; even though new federal laws protect ALL journalists (bloggers; ect) regardless of their connection to the lamestream corporate monopoly/media.

CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 215 -- Passed by California voters back in 1996; Proposition 215 allowed the people of California to possess; sell and grow Marijuana for medicinal purposes. But in the roughly 20 years since the passing of Proposition 215; the federal government (which apparently has a problem with the concept of "deepened democracy") continues to disregard the will of California voters and/or solid evidence of medicinal applications; and/or continues violating the civil and/or voting rights of countless California citizens in the process (see UNITED STATES PATENT section below). Since the year 2007; John has spent thousands of dollars buying expensive medical pot to cure his insomnia caused by countless night time disturbances at his residence; when John could have been growing his own marijuana and saving that money instead in the process. Even though Sunnyvale D.P.S. is now recognizing Proposition 215 as law; widely publicized federal coercion and/or intimidation tactics for many years have prohibited John from growing his own marijuana. Adding to this; since government cannot use the color of law to intimidate voters before they vote; THEY CERTAINLY CANNOT TO IT ROUGHLY 20 YEARS AFTER! The federal government continues to violate the civil and/or voting rights of countless American citizens in the process.

UNITED STATES PATENT / CANNABINOIDS AS ANTIOXIDANTS AND NEUROPROTECTANTS  -- Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant properties, unrelated to NMDA receptor antagonism. This new found property makes cannabinoids useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and HIV dementia. Nonpsychoactive cannabinoids, such as cannabidoil, are particularly advantageous to use because they avoid toxicity that is encountered with psychoactive cannabinoids at high doses useful in the method of the present invention. A particular disclosed class of cannabinoids useful as neuroprotective antioxidants is formula (I) wherein the R group is independently selected from the group consisting of H, CH.sub.3, and COCH.sub.3. ##STR1## 


EXCERPTS FROM LIKROPER.COM SUPERBIRDLAND! WEB PAGE: 30 sep 2012 -- "I have brought the dangerous traffic situation in this neighborhood to the attention of both the City of Sunnyvale and Santa Clara for a few months now with no action taken to correct it (missing state-law crosswalk signs; crosswalk needed at the end of Dunford way etc) and just the other day right after I helped a kid cross the street to get to school safely; an irate and hysterical Principal Harris drove up and jumped out of her vehicle and practically accosted me for helping the kid cross (note: the last Principal was a cool black guy who somehow knew me by my first name; so what happened?) This kind of paranoid, irrational soccer mom-ish behavior has no place in this neighborhood -- Not only is Principal Harris an animal abuser who poisoned wildlife in the Peterson field (GO TO: THE SANTA CLARA UNIFIED KILL DISTRICT? X X); but she also helped the FULL CIRCLE FARM have a hard time getting their organic certification. And now she is retaliating against me for bringing this to the publics' attention (below are excerpts from a secret word file that has been brought to the attention of the Sunnyvale city council; the Sunnyvale city attorney; the Sunnyvale police department; the Sunnyvale city manager; Kamala Harris; Jeff Rosen etc)..."

NOTE: John recently found out 'through the grapevine' that Peterson Middle School Principal Susan E. Harris is a close family friend of the Paolinetti family (Mrs. Paolinetti used to be the Principal of Laurelwood Elementary School); suggesting possible collusion between the Paolinetti family and Principal Harris. Adding to this; Principal Harris recently accused SCUSD trustee Chris Stampolis of abusing his power by harassing Principal Harris; which is the EXACT same thing Principal Harris did to John back in August of 2012. (see below). Note: John has lived in the same neighborhood without incident since 1967; attending both Laurelwood Elementary School and Peterson High School.

Making matters even worse; two Sunnyvale Neighborhood Resource Officers (and/or NROs) recently visited John a few months back claiming some people who had signed the petition to terminate the employment of Susan Harris did so in a threatening manner. But it is not Johns' job to control the freedom of speech of those who signed this petition; and it is also not the job of local law enforcement to do so either. Doing so would not be "Constitutional Policing". 

If someone made remarks that are seen as being illegal (even though the First Amendment of the United States Constitution was argued for over a decade; giving unalienable rights granted by "Their Creator"; not any living being) that is not Johns' job to correct that speech, nor is it the job of law enforcement. Regardless; to appease the NROs; John respectfully changed the photo of Susan E. Harris over to a photo of the Queen of England; and also added a comment stating: "It has come to my attention that petition messages that could be viewed as threatening have been posted; therefore please try to use discretion when signing...thank you...".


THE FREE SPEECH MOVEMENT (FSM) was a student protest which took place during the 1964–65 academic year on the campus of the University of California, Berkeley under the informal leadership of students Mario Savio,[1] Jack Weinberg, Michael Rossman, Brian Turner, Bettina Aptheker, Steve Weissman, Art Goldberg, Jackie Goldberg, and others. In protests unprecedented in scope, students insisted that the university administration lift the ban of on-campus political activities and acknowledge the students' right to free speech and academic freedom. > go to:

The NROs in question (Sunnyvale D.P.S. Officers Gantt and Fujii) had good intentions and seemed like genuinely nice human beings even though they were practicing unconstituional policing at the time. Therefore they are considered by John to be "wobblers'; not necessarily good or bad; just people who were simply taking orders and doing their jobs as told.

EXCERPTS FROM LIKROPER.COM (@ 6a) MISSING STATE LAW CROSSWALK SIGN > 4 aug 2012 > "If you look at the photo above; a state-law crosswalk sign can be seen -- This is an important crosswalk to protect because it leads directly to an entrance of a school where students sometimes have a hard time crossing safely -- But this crosswalk sign was recently run over and removed back in June 2012 and has not been replaced; even though John has brought it to the attention of a City of Sunnyvale street maintenance crew -- Below is a photo showing the missing sign; above is a photo showing the missing sign in question (a sign which has since been replaced)..." >


6b) LIFE OR COMMERCE? > The crosswalk seen on the front cover of the Beatles album "Abbey Road" was the result of a national debate in the UK regarding pedestrian safety -- What is more important? Life or commerce? I think we ALL know the answer to that question.
ANONYMOUS FORMER PETERSON MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT WROTE ON 5 MAY 2015: "Hi! My mom says after I graduate, during the summer she'll let me put up posters around the school advertising your website page on susan harris and the petition. I think it's time she steps down and everyone should be aware of what she has done.

Also, we did notice that no crosswalk signs have been put up, for Christ's sake I've seen a student on a bike get hit by a car crossing the street in front of the gym! This puts all the students in danger when they cross the street. And I surely will do something about all this right after I graduate. me and my mom would surely appreciate some help too!..."


UNALIENABLE RIGHTS -- "The absolute rights of individuals may be resolved into the right of personal security, the right of personal liberty, and the right to acquire and enjoy property. These rights are declared to be natural, inherent, and unalienable" Atchison & N. R > GO TO: UNALIENABLE RIGHTS @

NOTE: After thoroughly reviewing this case; John has come to the firm conclusion that the cities of Sunnyvale and/or Santa Clara are clearly not competent to stand trial for their various misdeeds; therefore a financial settlement is likely the best plan of action at this point in time...


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