Thursday, November 20, 2014



If more than 300,000 children between 4 and 11 in California supposedly need mental health care; what is causing this? When I was young there was not this kind of situation because we were all raised in a normal fashion with freedom etc at the center of our existences.

But now we have this sort of "New World Order" that incarcerates normally active children in their houses during the day under the guise of "protecting them"; often giving them psychoactive (etc) drugs to calm them down -- and therefore causing them to be sedentary and sit on their asses and on their computers and/or with play stations; getting increasingly obese; with no control over their lives whatsoever.

Then when it comes to adults; (other than lawmakers who send them to war) it is mainly military veterans who need mental health help right now due to horrific memories they cannot shake; memories the government mandated as they were sent off to military duty for corporations who wanted to occupy foreign lands and profit from the resource gathering that would inevitably ensue.

But the main problem here with this mental health situation is what is ACTUALLY considered to be mental illness. For instance; creative artists are now considered to be mentally ill. Yes; John Lennon would now not only be considered mentally ill by our government for his creative tendencies; but also for doing so many drugs -- but also naked hippies at the Woodstock concert -- they would not only be considered mentally ill in this day and age; but they would also also be sex offenders as well; even though we are all born NAKED under GOD.

But the problem is; our US government has been going down this bogus "reefer madness" road since the 1930s. It's nothing new. it's the same old rehashed bullshit; and they will never stop this insulting approach; therefore they need to be wholly IGNORED.

Then when you add in the stigma of seeking out mental health treatment (which goes on your permanent record) it's a lot like getting a felony conviction disallowing you to vote; it will be held against you for the rest of your life (see: "you are now the laughing stock of the neighborhood") used as a tool to delegitimize your every thought; and especially in court if you ever need to defend yourself. You are now CRAZY. (not)

And while Democrats may just want to help you out with this treatment (due to the fact that people more often than not harm those they are trying to help) Republicans (and even some Democrats) will inevitably use your supposed mental health information against you at a later time if needed; to further insult and delegitimize
and/or destabilize you. it's a trap; so don't fall for it.

And if you look back in history at what was considered to be "mentally ill" in some places in the world (back in the 1800s for example) among MANY other things; if you had a bad marriage you were considered to be mentally ill -- and I'm sorry to say; nothing has changed all that much since then; as most of our society is still totally full of shit when it comes to this kind of insulting crap. And it's mainly arrogant people in power who have a tendency to project themselves on others. In other words; if you are not like them; then you are mentally ill. So fuck 'em all the way to hell.

For instance; government conspiracy theorists are now considered to be mentally ill even though we all now have solid leaked government evidence to support these conspiratorial claims (see: Assange and/or Snowden etc).

So; if anyone is crazy it is our government who seems to be not only legislating mental illness through loads of new fear-based paranoid legislation (NDAA etc) but who also thinks they can shove this kind of shit down our collective throats without recourse. I think not.

The bottom line: there is no singular "normal" human behavioral archetype; as there are countless "ways to be" (other than Drew Pinsky or Dr. Phil etc ). In other words; what is constantly being crammed down our throats by the corporate media is a buncha half-truthed BULLSHIT. It has more to do with elitists projecting themselves upon others than anything else.

I tend to think this latest trend has more to do with overpopulation; which sort of demands that we all dumb our collective individual selves down to the lowest common denominator to simplify things for those in power. Therefore; be free. Be a true individual. Just be. And fuck 'em if they don't like it. Those are the new rules I am laying down. Oh...and just remember not to hurt anyone or anything in the process; and it will be all good.

"More than 300,000 California children between the ages 4 and 11 need mental health care, but only one in four is treated, according to a new policy brief from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research — this, despite the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommending early-childhood intervention as a critical step in reducing the severity of mental health problems in adulthood." >


  1. "Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders…and millions have been killed because of this obedience…Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves…(and) the grand thieves are running the country. That’s our problem.”
    ― Howard Zinn
