Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Back in April of 2006; John was feeding ducks at the Lake Terrace Apartments (as John had done for a number of years with approval given at a City Council meeting by ex-Santa Clara Mayor Judy Nadler) when Lake Terrace resident Tom Foley jumped from behind a tree at the apartment complex and began a multi-week stalking and harassing campaign against John (see: Laying in wait -- Note: Tom Foley continued this campaign John for a number of weeks after this initial event -- see videos below -- and Tom Foleys' actions were allegedly premeditated) and Sunnyvale police responders simply let Tom Foley go after this initial attack; regardless of the evidence seen below:

John later spoke to Tom Foley and a lady who is now an ex-Manager of Lake Terrace apartments; where Tom Foley admitted to being put up to the attack by the owner of the apartment complex (the Lake Terrace owner also happens to be a lawyer) and this admission of guilt was also witnessed by one of Johns' friends. note: Tom Foley was later used at a City of Santa Clara administrative hearing on September 6th, 2007 as a "witness to duck feeding"; where John essentially had $235 dollars extorted from him; a hearing where Mister Olenak admitted to his attack on John in front of Judge Louis Amadeo Junior and approximately 7 other witnesses. (Mister Amadeo took no action regarding this smoking gun admission of guilt). > go to: MISTER OLENAKS' ADDMISSION OF GUILT @ http://neighborhood-copwatch.blogspot.com/2007/06/mister-olenaks-admission-of-guilt.html + JUDGE LOUIS AMADEO JUNIOR @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/02/judge-louis-amadeo-junior.html

John was given case number 06-03997 by Santa Clara officer Terrones for the 4-11-06 event (not EV06-10024 as stated in a falsified report by Officers Seagrave and Lopez). Also; there were two officers who responded to the 4-11-06 911 call made by John. These officers then went to the Lake Terrace Apartments to further investigate the attack on John by Tom Foley, which was reported by John to the responding officers. John was then informed by the officers that Tom Foley has a criminal record which the officers would not disclose. 
John later realized that Tom Foley was in fact at the Acapulco Restaurant with a group of friends from the Lake Terrace Apartments a few weeks before his initial April 2006 conspiratorial attack on John. One night Tom Foley followed John into the bathroom at the Acapulco Restaurant in a threatening fashion; but John did not realize what was going on until many months later when John finally put two and two together. This stalking and harassment by Tom Foley continued for a number of weeks after this initial April 2006 event; after being wrongfully let go by the Santa Clara police department after his initial attacks. 

Violence and/or intimidation and/or coercion on the part of Tom Foley amounts to a violation of Johns' Civil Rights that police are required to protect. This is just another example of a pattern of negligence over time and/or dereliction of duty on the part of local police responders.

NOTE: Back in the 2005; the Campbell police department had four detectives searching for the person who ran over ducks on camera at a car wash and it caused a national media outrage, so where is the Santa Clara police department when it comes to enforcing animal cruelty laws and making it safer for the ducks our neighborhood loves so much, let alone stopping the speeding? > go to: http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/CAMPBELL-Duck-massacre-caught-on-videotape-2616973.php > note: Tom Foley allegedly knows the Campbell police chief; as Tom Foley admitted to "doing work" for the Campbell police chief (whatever that means). see also: http://neighborhood-copwatch.blogspot.com/2007/05/animal-cruelty.html

NOTE: This whole episode started when John attended a Sunnyvale City Council meeting earlier in 2006 (as adjacent police agencies can and often do work in concert together to destabilize activists [etc] for each other). Shortly after John attended the 2006 Sunnyvale City Council meeting in question; the Santa Clara City Council proposed prohibiting feeding wildlife in Maywood Park; which was really just an official Santa Clara and/or Sunnyvale government way of creating a "good" reason to focus upon Johns' feeding of ducks (and/or activism); to then in turn destabilize Johns' activism. It started with Tom Foley's initial violent and/or coercive intimidation with premeditated and/or conspiratorial attacks (which backfired on Tom Foley and the Lake Terrace owner); then later morphed into the Lake Terrace owner trying unsuccessfully once again to stop John by sending two police Santa Clara officers to John's residence with an unlawful cease and desist order for feeding ducks. John was then wrongfully arrested and/or kidnapped and/or and/or falsely imprisoned by Pablo Lopez; then let go with no charges filed. Through these various actions; John's Civil Rights were egregiously violated in the process; which led to John filing a claim with the City of Santa Clara; which later turned into many years of harassment and stalking with the apparent blessings of now ex-Santa Clara police officer Don Paolinetti. (related links: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0947802/ + http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Pellicano)

Access to civil rights protection should not depend on government belief; as everyone should receive equal civil rights protection regardless. The latest troubling trend in (reverse etc) discrimination has opened a perilous loophole that enables law enforcement etc to ignore important common-sense laws that mandate equal protection for all—including and mainly important laws that protect against discrimination—based on the outdated beliefs of some within government.


  1. this is the kind of thing that used to happen to blacks back in the 1950s before the civil rights movement changed things...but now it is happening to whites too; and this is unacceptable -- all people need equal protection under law; no excuses and no more bullshit! > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRVG-rWpemk&list=UU13_WfEgp0MBd6w_RqN1oug

  2. PM Beers (a female) wrote on Facebook tonight: "The cops asked me if a certain woman in a certain outfit assaulted me. that question was unethical. He should have asked me to describe who assaulted me. I told him I did not want to press charges. He seemed upset and asked, "You don't want to be a victim?" who the hell WANTS to be a victim. I believed that arrest is more violent than being hit."
