Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Just like how packs of wolves and/or groups of domestic dogs get together at night and wreak havoc; and/or like cops who gather together and do things they would not do otherwise -- the same goes for the various judges reviewing 9-11 case files; or any case files for that matter. 

There is a certain kind of 'group think' that goes along with isolated incidents and/or influential court cases; whereas judges can often act like a pack of wolves thinking as one instead freely and/or individually. And at least part of this is rightfully based in fear; because since the 9-11 incident and later incriminating evidence showing the activities of September 11th, 2001 were IN FACT a black operation conducted by the Israelis; the United States and the U.K.

 “9/11 was an Anglo-American black operation executed 
in collusion with Israeli Secret Services.” -- 9/11 Investigator

"Undoubtedly the 9/11 attacks on New York City and Washington DC are the most misrepresented by officialdom in US history. Whereas the assassination of John F. Kennedy is now understood to have been a classic CIA Public Execution Plan, it does not come close to 9/11 in terms of the number and magnitude of outright falsehoods, misleading statements, fake science and fraudulent facts submitted by officials and agents of the US Government. The ‘official’ 9/11 Commission Report stands as the most fabricated document ever produced by US tax dollars..." -- Anonymous

1 comment:

  1. ...all it takes is one brave soul to change things for the better...
