Tuesday, February 17, 2015



Not only did Mister Olenak attack John outside John's residence one morning without arrest; and then admit to the attack not only on video with no action taken to arrest mister Olenak by the Santa Clara police department -- but also in front of Judge Louis Amadeo, Junior as well with no action taken. 

And there is another side to this story. Sometime back during the late 1970s and/or early 1980s; one of Johns' long time neighbors Bobby Martinez was once approached by Mister Olenaks' son Danny (and Dannys' shotgun); offering Bobby to come along and rob the old Victoria Station steakhouse on Homestead Road in Cupertino. Bobby declined the offer; but Danny allegedly proceeded to carry out the robbery without Bobby. And then Danny later went on an interstate liquor store robbing spree; and was eventually apprehended in Oklahoma (I believe). 

Danny was released from prison a few years later and has kept out of trouble ever since. But the problem is; Danny once bragged to John about how he and Kurt Bangart (from Doon Court) had tortured cats in horrific ways (firecrackers placed within body cavities; dropped alive from bridges onto passing trains etc etc etc -- John also witnessed Kurt and Dannys' mass torture of frogs in Kurts' backyard from the local Calabazas Creek; and this evil behavior later manifested as violence against cats; and then people). Danny also once scrawled anti-semitic messages into the fresh cement of Johns' Jewish ex-neighbors the Yellin family. And guess where it all started? Yup. The apple does not fall far from the tree. > GO TO: MISTER OLENAKS' ADMISSION OF GUILT @ http://neighborhood-copwatch.blogspot.com/2007/06/mister-olenaks-admission-of-guilt.html



JUDGE LOUIS AMADEO JUNIOR -- After the Administrative hearing with Louis Amadeo, Junior in the City of Santa Clara back in 2007; John found out that Judge Amadeo was actually hired by the City of Santa Clara to perform his services; meaning there was a MASSIVE conflict of interest where Judge Amadeo was actually hired to come up with judgements favorable to the City of Santa Clara. It should appear obvious that Mister Amadeo was not a true unbiased third party; and instead was hired by the City of Santa Clara to help avoid inevitable lawsuits from John and potentially others.


NOTE: PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING is usually reserved for those who are a harm to themselves or others, so why were John's various attackers not given psychological testing for their attacks? And what does this say about police violence against those they were sworn to protect and serve? > GO TO: THE REVOLVING DOOR OF VIOLENT STALKING AND HARASSMENT @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRVG-rWpemk

"I have several cops as patients. They scare me. They really do. They often score the same on personality disorder tests as violent criminals. No shit" -- Anonymous Psychologist


  1. Palm Beach County, Florida – Journalists at the DC Post were looking through message boards that are frequented by law enforcement officers, when they found a post where one officer was causally talking about planting evidence on “mouthy drivers” and “street lawyers.”

    The Post then contacted the officer and conducted an anonymous interview with him where he revealed his disturbing perspective.

    The officer revealed the illegal and unethical actions that he is proud of taking on the job. The DC Post has also said that they have verified the officer’s position with the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, and they have verified many of the claims that he has made.

    The original post was titled “Tricks of the trade – let’s exchange!” and featured the following message:

    “I have a method for getting people off the street that should not be there. Mouthy drivers, street lawyers, assholes and just anyone else trying to make my job difficult. Under my floor mat, I keep a small plastic dime baggie with Cocaine in residue. Since it’s just residue, if it is ever found during a search of my car like during an inspection, it’s easy enough to explain. It must have stuck to my foot while walking through San Castle. Anyways, no one’s going to question an empty baggie. The residue is the key because you can fully charge some asshole with possession of cocaine, heroin, or whatever just with the residue. How to get it done? “I asked Mr. DOE for his identification. And he pulled out his wallet, I observed a small plastic baggie fall out of his pocket…” You get the idea. easy, right? Best part is, those baggies can be found lots of places so you can always be ready. Don’t forget to wipe the baggie on the person’s skin after you arrest them because you want their DNA on the bag if they say you planted it or fight it in court.”

    Other officers on the board responded by sharing similar stories about how they falsely arrest people who don’t adequately bow to their authority.

    Later in the interview, when the officer was asked if planting evidence happened regularly within his department, he responded by saying,

    “Um, yes it does, on a regular basis. Probably every day in my shift. I work nights on the Road Patrol in a rough, um, mostly black neighborhood. Planting evidence and lying in your reports are just part of the game.

    Then straight from the horses mouth, the officer said that this crooked behavior was actually encouraged by the drug war. Continuing his discussion about planting evidence, the officer said,

    “Yes, all the time. It is something I see a lot of, whether it was from deputies, supervisors or undercovers and even investigators. It’s almost like you have no emotion with it, that they attach the bodies to it, they’re going to be out of jail tomorrow anyway; nothing is going to happen to them anyway. One of the consequences of the war on drugs is that police officers are pressured to make large numbers of arrests, and it’s easy for some of the less honest cops to plant evidence on innocent people. The drug war inevitably leads to crooked policing — and quotas further incentivize such practices. It doesn’t help that your higherups all did the same thing when they were on the road. It’s like a neverending cycle. Like how molested children accept that as okay behavior and begin molesting children themselves.”

    Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/officer-reveals-planting-evidence-lying-part-game/#SlIzvYltjb7TWyBW.99

  2. SEE ALSO: http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/feb/19/evidence-chicago-detective-richard-zuley + http://dcpost.org/florida-law-officer-planting-evidence-lying-part-of-the-game-exclusive-interview/
