Wednesday, January 30, 2013


THE MAIN PROBLEM with our 'modern' police force is: while police are sworn to protect and serve us all equally; they have somehow ended up being more protected by law than citizens they took the oath for -- For instance; John remembers back in the 1980s...while out cruising on the El Camino Real one night; John talked to a guy who had gotten into a fist fight with an undercover cop out on the strip that night -- he allegedly said to the undercover cop; "take off your badge" and a fight supposedly then ensued [granted; this was back during a time when san jose police often beat prisoners traveling through an old tunnel that led from the main court room to the main jail -- this was considered acceptable at the time]. And while John is not necessarily holding up this incident as a model of good behavior for modern times; it shows how drastically things have changed; as that same guy would now be charged with a serious felony offense for the same act -- But then again; it also shows how much things have NOT changed as well; as corrupt police are now somehow government-sanctioned to abuse their powers more than ever before -- and this is UNACCEPTABLE...

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