Tuesday, January 14, 2014


The very same day John was wrongfully arrested (and/or therefore kidnapped on 14 June 2006) by Santa Clara police officer Pablo Lopez while feeding ducks across the street where he had done so for many years (under a duck crossing sign that both the City of Santa Clara and the City of Sunnyvale installed); SANTA CLARA COUNTY DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY KAREN SINUNU-TOWERY TOOK A SUDDEN LEAVE OF ABSENCE FROM HER JOB!? > Go to: http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/03/karen-sinunus-mysterious-leave-of.html

Then once again in late 2013; Karyn Sinunu-Towery hastily left her post once again exactly one day after this event on December 15th 2013 (Go to: INCIDENT ON 15 DECEMBER 2013 -- EV 133490020 > Go to: http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/12/incident-on-15-december-2013.html and/or http://beta.congress.gov/congressional-record/2013/12/16/extensions-of-remarks-section/article/E1882-2)

Are Karen Sinunu-Towery's recent questionable actions the result of some sort of cover-up on the part of the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office? It may sound like a stretch; but Karyn's seemingly evasive actions strongly suggest that Karyn Sinunu-Towery left her position in haste once again in response to something that happened to John. Is there any truth to this and/or has anybody investigated this angle?

ZOE LOFGREN stated @ http://beta.congress.gov/congressional-record/2013/12/16/extensions-of-remarks-section/article/E1882-2; regarding Kary Sinunu-Towery: "She personally worked to free defendants wrongly convicted and is a model for prosecutors everywhere in this regard." 

QUESTION: Why didn't Karyn Sinunu-Towery come to the rescue for John as well? Could there be some sort of gender-based conflict of interest here? hmmm...

Thursday, January 9, 2014


1) MATERIAL WITNESSES -- Two neighbors who live near John are willing to provide witness testimony regarding the multi-year Civil Harassment campaign John experienced. Johns' entire neighborhood was essentially being harassed and bothered in the process; but John is the only one who officially came forward about it (note: the term "Material Witness" generally applies to criminal cases; but that is precisely what this case should be).

A) WITNESS X -- John's Russian immigrant neighbor was awakened on several occasions by the disturbances made by Jake Paolinetti and his friends. Part of the reason this particular neighbor came to America was to avoid similar intimidation and coercion he once experienced in Russia. WITNESS X can be reached @ 408-247-3774 + B) WITNESS Z -- Another witness who recently came forward with new information about the harassment John experienced is a person who lives down the street from John. At least two cats that belonged to this witness were returned dead and "crushed"; not run over but instead "crushed" as the witness said; just as Precious was apparently crushed to death. This witness also overheard many of the loud night time harassment attacks aimed at John. WITNESS Z can be reached @ 408-839-4178. 

QUESTION: If this witness heard the various loud noises from the harassment and stalking; why did the Rebholtz family not hear it as well; as the Rebholtz family lives almost the exact same distance away from John as Witness Z; and/or for that matter The Paolinetti residence; which is no more than roughly 50 yards from the residence of WITNESS Z?

2) NEIGHBORHOOD EXODUS -- During the many years of this said harassment and stalking directed towards John; 4 long time neighbors and 2 short term renter neighbors who lived right across the street from John moved out of the neighborhood to get away from this situation. Adding to this; the very first day one neighbor moved in across the street from John; this event (CR #12-573 -- Officer Winkleman) occurred the very same night. Welcome to the neighborhood? These same neighbors are not very happy about this situation being covered up for so long; which gave them a false impression of the safety of the neighborhood they had just moved into. When someone spends almost $1 million dollars of their hard-earned money on a house; they should know the facts regarding public safety (and/or lack thereof) in the neighborhood they are moving into > (SEE: CR #12-573 -- Officer Winkleman) > GO TO:  http://likroper.com/21JAN2012A.wmv