Thursday, February 28, 2013


Within a few hours of posting this:; Danny Garcia was harassed by the Sunnyvale police once again; this time apparently in retaliation for speaking out on this blog; and likely (desperately) trying to legitimize their past harassment of Danny. (In other words; the Sunnyvale police are now reading this blog) This time Danny was sitting with his 71 year old fellow homeless friend Gabe at Raynor Park; minding his own business. 

Two Sunnyvale Police officers approached them -- one tall, balding male Caucasian; and one short stocky male Caucasian -- and told Danny and Gabe that people "are afraid of them". 

(the mainstream media is a fear-based medium; and many people are brainwashed by this hogwash daily. Fortunately; Danny and Gabe do not watch TV; therefore they do not keep abreast of all of the fear-based propaganda that is being constantly shoved down peoples' throats to control and/or distract them. And they are actually quite normal, well adjusted people because of this. Danny and/or Gabe should not have to pay any price for being around mentally unstable; paranoid television-brainwashed people who are "afraid of them").

Well; I've got news for these officers; a good chunk of the American people ARE ACTUALLY AFRAID OF THE POLICE AND DO NOT TRUST THEM; AS POLICE CORRUPTION IS AT AN ALL-TIME HIGH!? So what is their recourse for this fear?

That's right; doesn't it matter that MANY people (other than John; that is) are actually afraid of the police? I tend to believe that some in government actually LIKE having police scare people into submission; to keep them cowering in fear and afraid of them; using intimidation and fear to get their way. This is one of the reasons Civil Rights have been interpreted in such a watered-down fashion by government since the onset of MLK.

And what if John was afraid of the government-sponsored criminals stalking and harassing him outside his window repeatedly making threats at 3 in the morning; with no help from police for a number of years? Is that what John gets for getting involved in community activism or something? (go to:

Or is this really more like something that would be done in China and/or Russia to dissenters and/or dissidents? That's right; America has fallen down the EXACT same slippery slope.

The officers also told Danny to "get a job"; while Danny has literally applied for about 500 jobs over the past few years with no luck (John has seen the paperwork). Danny has solid experience in the semiconductor industry and is a very good worker when given a chance; but I suppose (at least partially) because the federal government refuses to do anything about age discrimination; Danny is currently unemployed. 

(John has a DoD employee friend involved in mass NSA surveillance work who told John the ultra-rich have essentially decided there are too many people currently on the earth to be employed; so they are holding back on hiring right now. And since all the corporations the rich own are essentially "the government" right now; as they have more money than government; and do much of the surveillance for government; etc etc etc...)

Regardless; the fact remains that Danny actually paid taxes for many years; taxes which paid for the park he was sitting in today; therefore Danny has a right to be in that said park whenever he wants to. Furthermore; on a basic Constitutional level; Danny and Gabe have every right to pursue their happiness etc as they so desire; and therefore every right to be at Raynor Park during park hours; even if they actually could technically be "happier".

And this is not up to "some judge" to determine; whether or not Danny and/or Gabe actually can FREELY enjoy their lives, liberty and the pursuit of their happiness; as the rights that allow Danny and Gabe to be FREE are actually called IN/UNALIENABLE RIGHTS; and these are rights which NO LIVING BEING has any power to deny them of. Granted by 'the Creator"; these in/unalienable rights are unable to be taken away FROM ANYONE; BY ANYONE. 

For all of the mentally and/or constitutionally challenged people who may be reading this blog post; and for all others who may suffer from acute cranial/posterior syndrome; to keep you all up to date with current U. S. policy:  

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness > read more @


  1. When the Sunnyvale police officers said to Danny and Gabe; "people are afraid of you"; what they REALLY were saying was that they (the police officers; likely the entire police department) are more than likely AFRAID OF JOHN; mainly because not only has John filed a claim against the department for YEARS of abuse; but John also understands the workings of the subconscious mind and how it expresses itself unknowingly sometimes through ones' speech...and mostly because John is not afraid of their gestapo-like tactics; he doesn't jive with their third world country-like police =-state behavior; or their "We've got Google and the NSA in our town; so we can do pretty much WHATEVER WE WANT" attitudes...John is not having any of this > And on a related note; much like basketball star Dennis Rodman; can John help to diplomatically ease tensions between the city of Sunnyvale and Danny and Gabe; or between John and the City of Sunnyvale? That remains to be seen...

  2. LATEST OCCUPY SUNNYVALE FACEBOOK POST: WARNING: contains material that could be offensive to minors and/or government personnel: MONITOR THIS: a message to the sunnyvale police: why don't you assholes leave my homeless friends alone? you know...just because i brought some of your past injustices to the attention of your superiors (and probably got you all in trouble -- ha! i aint even close to being done with that shit!) does not mean you have to pick on my friends in retaliation -- you know; (officer ross) high school is over and i don't care if you got bullied as a child and became a cop to even the score -- if you don't have a solution for my friends THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP and find something better to do than harass homeless people who DO NOT have to stay on the "poor side" of el camino real (that's what officer ross said) to appease all the rich folks on the other side...FUCK YOU officer ross...and FUCK your class warfare...

  3. my old friend jimmy finley (one of the greatest guitar players who ever lived; don menn from guitar player magazine was at jim's funeral service) was incarcerated by the palo alto police a few weeks before he died; jim was on his fucking DEATHBED; and the police felt it was a good idea to incarcerate him for not having a light on his damn bike...ENOUGH already...
