Thursday, May 23, 2013


TV SHOWS LIKE SURVIVOR AND BIG BROTHER ETC (any show where "someone has to go home tonight") are really just manifestations of the vulture-like corporate mentality of the people who created the shows to begin with. And what do I mean by this? 
When John grew up; American society was in the throes of dealing with the Civil Rights movement and/or just divisive racial issues in general. And because of all the rampant discrimination that existed before John was born; John found himself in a generation that shunned discrimination by trying to be inclusive as opposed to exclusive. This was loud the message of the 1960s that John grew up with. 
So what happened to this message? Who thought inculcating division and discrimination back into our society once again was a good thing? > Leading us directly to John being attacked; then ordered to leave the Oasis Nightclub by two young, inexperienced Sunnyvale police officers (Smith and Ochoa) who look like they just graduated from High School last week; obviously missing all of the important lessons of the 1960s. What is up with that?! 
This gaping generation gap is allowing innocent people like John to be sucked into it; not unlike some kind of quantum gravitational Black Hole of ignorance in outer space...

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