Thursday, December 18, 2014


A) GASLIGHTING and/or gas-lighting is a form of mental abuse in which false information is presented with the intent of making victims doubt their own memory, perception, and sanity.  Instances may range simply from the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents ever occurred, up to the staging of bizarre events by the abuser with the intention of disorienting the victim. B) GASLIGHTING is a form of emotional abuse where the abuser manipulates situations repeatedly to trick the victim into distrusting his or her own memory and perceptions. Gas-lighting is an insidious form of abuse. It makes victims question the very instincts that they have counted on their whole lives, making them unsure of anything. Gas-lighting makes it very likely that victims will believe whatever their abusers tell them regardless as to their own experience of the situation. Gas-lighting often precedes other types of emotional and physical abuse because the victim of gas-lighting is more likely to remain in other abusive situations as well. 

EXAMPLE: 1) Santa Clara Police Officer Gabriel Seagrave suggested to John that John was NOT an activist at a City of Santa Clara 2007 administrative hearing; even though in adjacent Sunnyvale John had passed out roughly 10,000 fliers which ultimately brought about the Full Circle Farm in Sunnyvale. John even re-directed an entire public hearing to the Peterson Middle School cafeteria; and was stalked by a Sunnyvale DPS Officer in the process. (a meeting which would have happened at the Sunnyvale Council Chambers > go to:

And Officer Seagrave even tried to downplay John being attacked by Mister Olenak; EVEN THOUGH MISTER OLENAK ADMITTED TO THIS ATTACK AT AN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING IN FRONT OF JUDGE LOUIS AMADEO JUNIOR; AND TWO SANTA CLARA POLICE OFFICERS!?! AND THESE SAME OFFICERS TOOK NO ACTION TO ARREST MISTER OLENAK AT THIS TIME!?! INSTEAD; THESE TWO CHICKENSHIT POLICE OFFICERS FURTHER VIOLATED JOHN'S CIVIL RIGHTS BY SHOWING UP TO THIS SHAM ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING WITH BULLY CLUBS CLANKING IN A LAME AND ULTIMATELY UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPT TO INTIMIDATE JOHN!?! Adding to this; Officers Seagrave and Lopez and the entire evil Olenak clan held John's father against his will after this hearing; violating John's father's civil rights as well. (Mister Olenak threatened John's father on the same morning Mister Olenak attacked John).  

GO TO: MISTER OLENAK'S ADMISSION OF GUILT @  + REST IN PEACE MOM AND BROTHER CARL @  > Shortly after this administrative hearing; Officer Seagrave was promoted to Internal Affairs; likely to ward off any damning investigations. 

2) After being repeatedly harassed and stalked and menaced etc for a number of years; John then called the Sunnyvale police after having his civil rights egregiously violated in the street by the same gang of idiot punks who were bothering him in an aggravated fashion for so many years. (go to: POLICE-SANCTIONED GANG ACTIVITY (CONTINUED) @  

Sunnyvale DPS Lieutenant Simpson wrongfully suggested John was "5150" and/or mentally unstable after John had his civil rights egregiously violated by idiot punk Jake Paolinetti and friends; using intimidation and coercion while backing John up about 30 feet with his camera. (Jake Paolinetti is clearly the aggressor in this incident) And while John has been a fan of the rock band Van Halen for a number of years; and their usage of the "5150" term (Note: Eddie Van Halen's recording studio is named "5150") John does not appreciate how Lieutenant Simpson used gas-lighting and/or psy-ops to smear John's reputation and/or distract from the truth about the situation. 

After John called the police to the scene; "Officer Bullshit" [and/or O.B.] responded with other Sunnyvale DPS members including Lieutenant Simpson; O.B. immediately asked John if John had a criminal record. When John responded with "NO"; Officer Bullshit then said "BULLSHIT!". Adding to this; while John was being interrogated by Lieutenant Simpson; O.B. was rolling his eyes and making funny faces behind Lieutenant Simpson's back; as if O.B. did not agree with Lieutenant Simpson. And this was likely not a "good cop/bad cop" routine as O.B. seemed like he really meant it. 

Note: John later saw O.B. on guard down at the front of the Superior Court in Sunnyvale a few months later; and O.B. was very cool to John once again at this time; leading John to believe O.B. is actually on John's side in this case.

3) Psychological Operations are largely responsible for the delusional fantasies the Rebholtz daughter and/or even John's sister Kris entertain and/or entertained about John. With the corporate/government-controlled television and print media obsessively focusing upon various shooting rampages over the last few years (probably creating even more shooting rampages in the process by popularizing them; and also causing a bunch of knee-jerk reactions by police departments like the Sunnyvale and Santa Clara Police responding with a S.W.A.T. team to a duck feeding litter gatherer); a seed of paranoid thought has been planted in the vulnerable minds of many individuals regarding this ugly phenomenon. And this in turn has created a sort of "mass-delusional state" of sorts among many people who view this psy-ops news media propaganda on a daily basis.

NOTE: There are different unofficial terms for psychological attacks and abuse that people may suffer from. Gang stalking has already been introduced in earlier articles (see link below) as a group of people in a community who target an individual with the end goal of breaking that individual down in a covert operation (mainly psychological, causing the person to think he or she is going crazy in some cases). >


Note: Modern television news etc broadcasts are nothing more than an extension of Project MKULTRA >

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