Tuesday, July 21, 2015



"Police state harshness today reflects US policy. Compromised civil liberties expanded government surveillance, eroded habeas rights, formalized military tribunals, permitted torture-extracted confessions, and sanctified violence in the name of national security. Thousands of political prisoners languish in America's gulag. It's the world's largest by far. It's one of the harshest. Many there deserve praise, not imprisonment. OWS activists may join them. More on that below. 

For the first time, U.S.A. Patriot Act provisions created the crime of domestic terrorism. Section 802 applies to persons alleged to engage in acts "dangerous to human life." Evidence isn't needed. Accusations suffice. US citizens and permanent residents are vulnerable. They're frequent targets. They're unjustly accused of violating federal, state, or local laws if they:

1) intimidate or coerce a civilian population; 2) influence government policy by intimidation or coercion; and/or 3) affect government conduct by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping.

Patriot Act legislation enacted sweeping federal powers. They're used to investigate and prosecute alleged terrorism. Civil libertarians, environmental and animal rights activists are targeted. Peaceful demonstrations are criminalized. At times, long-term incarceration follows.

In 2001, prominent Americans demonstrated on Vieques Island, Puerto Rico. Civil disobedience actions were included. Activists entered a US airbase. They harmed no one. They protested against Pentagon exercises which included bombings. This type of activism is called domestic terrorism if done to influence government policy. 

*Patriot legislation's Section 806 lets authorities confiscate or freeze foreign and domestic assets. No hearing or notice is required. Individuals, organizations, and other entities are vulnerable. Prosecutors can say they engaged in planning, supporting, concealing, or perpetrating any anti-American act of domestic or international terrorism. Evidence isn't required. Guilt by accusation follows. Victims are some of America's best. They're targeted for their political beliefs. Putting their bodies on the line for justice harms them. Wide-sweeping, vague legislative language perversely permits calling constitutionally protected acts terrorism..."

NOTE: John strongly suspects that his once-legally protected activist involvement in the saving of the Peterson field etc led to John being secretly added to this bogus new federal list of "activist/terrorists" by corrupt government personnel desperately wanting to control John. 

BUT! The official United States government dialogue regarding the 911 attacks is rapidly unraveling. The problem is; the supposed "terrorist attacks" of September 11th 2001 were actually an extensively premeditated inside job attack by rogue elements of the United States government; with help from foreign interests as well. IN FACT; right after the 911 attacks occurred; the F.B.I. finally admitted to their dirty little secret of pre-911 involvement in roughly 25 years of actively destabilizing activists -- and especially Black activists like M.L.K. etc. (Note: the USA Patriot Act -- drafted in the weeks prior to the 911 attacks -- made the F.B.I.'s dirty little secret into law. Source: A.C.L.U.). 

IN RETROSPECT; the U.S.A. Bullshit Act (and/or U.S.A. Patriot Act) essentially hijacked the civil rights movement and many of its' laws; then used them for government advantage -- leaving the people who fund their multifarious follies largely unprotected once again. In other words; taxpayers who ultimately run this show have been handed the same big old stinking pile of bullshit the civil rights movement tried to flush down their evil governmental toilets. Regardless; civilization largely relies on civility from all involved to ultimately be successful.

Therefore; if John has been somehow added to this bogus government list of (particularly successful) activists; then that same government needs to stop playing games with Johns' life and REMOVE JOHN FROM THE LIST IMMEDIATELY -- A.S.A.P.! NO MORE U.S.A. BULLSHIT! JOHN REFUSES TO STAY SILENT UNTIL UNALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL ETC RIGHTS ARE FULLY RESTORED AND PROTECTED FOR ALL ONCE AGAIN! 


This could explain why NO ACTION has been taken to help John for almost a decade since his wildly successful involvement with saving the Peterson field etc from development; and also explains Johns' false "extraordinary rendition" kidnap/arrest by corrupt Santa Clara Officer Pablo Lopez...FOR FEEDING DUCKS!?! > go to: FAHRENHEIT 911 FULL MOVIE IN HD ETC @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2014/12/fahrenheit-911-full-movie-in-hd.html + WTC 9/11 Building 7 - CLEARLY DETONATED! 2013 NEW FOOTAGE OF EXPLOSIONS! @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXrT6h2oepcILLEGAL USE OF THE UNITED STATES MILITARY AGAINST UNARMED UNITED STATES CITIZENS? @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/11/illegal-use-of-united-states-military.html 

SEE ALSO: "A pair of Oakland animal-rights activists were arrested on federal terrorism charges Friday for allegedly driving more than 40,000 miles across the country to save the hides of 5,000 mink destined to become furs, authorities said. Joseph Buddenberg, 31, and Nicole Kissane, 28, were both charged with conspiracy to violate the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act during a nationwide vandalism spree that crisscrossed the country in the summer of 2013, said U.S. Attorney Laura Duffy. 

The pair allegedly traveled as far as the East Coast — stopping along the way at fur farms in Idaho, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Montana and Pennsylvania — freeing mink from cages and in one case a bobcat while also committing various acts of vandalism against businesses, business owners and employees in the fur industry, according to court records. 

“Whatever your feelings about the fur industry, there are legal ways to make your opinions known,” Duffy said in a statement. “The conduct alleged here, sneaking around at night, stealing property and vandalizing homes and businesses with acid, glue and chemicals, is a form of domestic terrorism and can’t be permitted to continue...” 

QUESTIONS: If "sneaking around at night, stealing property and vandalizing homes and businesses" are considered to be acts of domestic terrorism"; then why were and/or are the actions of Jake Paolinetti and friends (etc) NOT considered to be acts of domestic terrorism and/or conspiratorial? And why was it 'OK' for the Cities of Santa Clara and/or Sunnyvale to stand by idly in a grossly negligent fashion as John was being domestically terrorized for nearly a decade of his life; leading to loss of his savings and destruction of his good credit record of nearly two decades?

And why is war NOT considered to be an act of domestic terrorism; and especially when foreign peoples are sometimes shot the way wolves shouldn't even be shot (because once again; those who harm animals often have a tendency to harm humans) from United States Army AH-64 Apache helicopters? And how could it be considered to be "OK" for the United States to involve itself in the terrorism of war; while actively pursuing terrorists?!? (see: fox watching the hen house) > go to: July 12, 2007 BAGHDAD AIRSTRIKE @ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/July_12,_2007_Baghdad_airstrike

Adding to this; during many of the domestic terror attacks occurring at Johns' residence; there were animals present (ducks; cats etc) at John residence. But since John was NOT involved in killing animals for profit; John apparently does not receive the same strong protections as those who DO harm animals for profit (see: discrimination; animal cruelty; acute cranial/posterior syndrome and/or extreme stupidity etc etc etc). But since those who harm animals are also known to also harm humans; WHY WAS THIS KIND OF BAD BEHAVIOR ALLOWED TO OCCUR AT JOHNS' RESIDENCE FOR SO LONG?

GO TO:OAKLAND PAIR INDICTED ON TERRORISM CHARGES  @ http://www.sfgate.com/crime/article/Oakland-duo-indicted-on-terrorism-charges-for-6404493.php + THE REVOLVING DOOR OF STALKING AND HARASSMENT @ http://likroper.com/TRDOVSAH3.wmv + MISTER OLENAK AND DANNY OLENAK http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/02/mister-olenak-andor-danny-olenak.html
OTHER QUESTIONS: Whether or not the tragic events of September 11th, 2001 occurred the way the "official dialogue" states (and/or regardless of exactly WHO was behind the events of this fateful day) the question remains WHY would the United States government use such a tragedy to punish it's own citizens by nullifying their Constitutional rights for something those citizens had absolutely nothing to do with? > SEE ALSO: WIKILEAKS PROVES 911 WAS INSIDE JOB! @
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdkXnOGhBp8 + https://911.wikileaks.org/


  1. ...there is no running...FROM THE TRUTH...

  2. "It is obvious to me that some of your U.S. attorneys either lack spatial ability and/or are suffering from acute cranial/posterior syndrome and/or are simply unconsciously and/or consciously biased. The problem is; John is a master musician and/or drummer; and has been for about 40 years now; therefore perhaps John has an edge on others who may have lacked musical training and therefore the spatial ability that comes with it. What does this say about cutting back school music programs?..."

  3. my whole life has basically stopped and been turned upside down ever since this bullshit 911 G20 attack and the way our country reacted to it...and i will never forgive those bastards for lying to us for so long about something so incredibly insidious and evil...fuck the G20 nations; fuck the UK; the US; saudi arabia; israel and every other lowly fuck who took part in this massive international fraud...all the way to hell...and don't come back...
