Wednesday, June 24, 2015


BACK IN THE YEAR 2004 John was delivering magazines in Mountain View, California when he came upon the above note taped to newspaper racks. For some reason when John returned home there was a San Jose Police Officer driving down Johns' street (John lives in Sunnyvale). This SJPD Officer was traveling way out of his jurisdiction; making John suspicious of this Officers' presence in his neighborhood. Was the presence of this SJPD Officer just a coincidence?

Regardless of this particular Officers' intentions (and regardless of whether or not this blog post is seen as applying to Johns' case); the main point of this Addendum Blog post is to shine a light on the use and/or abuse of Tasers that are currently being used to replace guns by law enforcement. In their own way Tasers seem to be just as dangerous and harmful as guns; therefore new restraint methods must be developed to reduce injuries to suspects during police apprehensions.  

Adding to this; cops should not be playing judge, jury and executioner on the street while others linger for years in lockup appealing their death sentences. This lacks due process and essentially amounts to cruel and unusual punishment.

Perhaps wildlife restraint methods can be further developed and applied to human restraint methods; because at this point in time out-of-range mountain lions cannot be shot in California -- so why can humans still be shot? It's high time to rethink policies regarding human rights as well; and realize that gun control should be mainly applied to law enforcement.

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