Thursday, July 25, 2013


This blog shows that as far back as June of 2007 the City of Santa Clara knew ALL ABOUT attacks John was experiencing. This particular blog is comprised of excerpts from several entries John made to his web site and blogs etc; and this particular link was part of an evidence package given to Judge Louis Amadeo, Junior at an administrative hearing on Thursday, September 6th, 2007 > go to:


  1. EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW? when you finally become aware of the FACT that men and women are treated differently for a reason (in other words; to fill prison cells and military boots) you will then have a new perspective on what is REALLY going on in this country -- knowing this; you can then make necessary changes to bring an end to this violent government-sanctioned folly...drastic changes need to be implemented to bring broad legal protections to all people who do not necessarily enjoy protections at this point in time...

  2. "We live in a world where we have to hide to make love; while violence is practiced in broad daylight" -- John Lennon
