Wednesday, July 17, 2013


REVERSE DISCRIMINATION exists on a silent level; as actions speak louder than words. Therefore; a person does not necessarily have to say anything overt to make their reverse racist intent clear; they only need to do something (or simply not do something when they should). Therefore; it is often quite easy to guess the racial intent of any given individual simply based upon their actions. And this is largely due to the fact that Caucasians have long enjoyed legal protections Minority groups severely lacked; so to compensate (more like overcompensate) government has increased protections for Minorities; while weakening protections for Caucasians. Caucasians seem to be the last race of human on Earth who can be freely attacked with no legal repercussions. Is this equal justice under law? Is this what MLK dreamed about? I think not. > see also:

1 comment:

  1. NEXT ADDENDUM BLOG POST: institutionalized gender discrimination in america -- in other words; why are men and women treated differently; with two different sets of rules? why are men allowed to be repeatedly violently attacked; while women are not? who wants us men to fill military boots and prison cells? who are the idiots in charge of this crap, anyway?!?
