Thursday, July 25, 2013


There are many wonderful ladies in this world; but then there is the other many instances; more often than not at least some women do not expect men to be treated the same way they are treated. (while some women want 'equality'; all most women talk about is financial equality; but REAL equality will only be accomplished when women DEMAND that men are treated the exact same way that women are. Until then we can expect more of the same).

The most glaring example of institutionalized gender discrimination John encountered is this:  
1) FEDERAL X OFFICER GABBY SEAGRAVE -- John initially encountered Officer Seagrave after John had called the City of Santa Clara about a neighbor named Mister Olenak (Mister Olenak was seen putting bleach into food for designated animals -- a video of this is available). Officer Seagrave declined to take action about criminal threats Mister Olenak had made towards John; causing Mister Olenak to be emboldened by this negligence on Officer Seagraves' part and carry through on his criminal threats made against John (go to:

Adding to this; the morning Mister Olenak carried through with his threats against John; OFFICER SEAGRAVE WAS ON THE SCENE AND TOOK NO ACTION TO ARREST MISTER OLENAK; even as John called an FBI complaint hotline. Then later at an administrative hearing (go to: -- In other words; a sham trial closed to the public) Mister Olenak admitted to his attack again; BUT THIS TIME IN FRONT OF SEVERAL WITNESSES INCLUDING: JUDGE LOUIS AMADEO JUNIOR; OFFICER PABLO LOPEZ; and OFFICER GABBY SEAGRAVE; among about 4-5 other people. John was then fined for feeding ducks WHILE NO ACTION WAS TAKEN TO PUNISH MISTER OLENAK; WHO HAD VIOLENTLY ATTACKED JOHN. 


2) MRS. OLENAK witnessed Mister Olenak while he was attacking John; yet Mrs. Olenak did nothing about it; and even went into court to pretend duck feeding was the real issue and not the various Civil Rights violations that had occurred.

3) SHANNON HERNANDEZ, JOHANNA CLINKENBEARD ETC -- The second most glaring example of institutionalized gender discrimination John has experienced happened at local nightclubs; involving bartender Shannon Hernandez and bartender "Ang" of the Oasis Nightclub; and Johanna Clinkenbeard of  Woodhams Lounge. All three of these female bartenders knew of the attacks against John, yet took no action to help John. Ang went even as far as trying to dissuade a witness when John called the Sunnyvale Police department about it; by ordering John to leave the club after finding out John had called the police (and this can be heard on the recorded call to the Sunnyvale non-emergency number). 

John was then EJECTED from both clubs after being attacked!?! Sunnyvale Officers Smith and Ochoa declined to pull up surveillance footage at the Oasis Nightclub; while Officers from the San Jose Police Department promised to pull up the surveillance footage at Woodhams Lounge. This is not only even more evidence of a clear pattern of negligence on the part of the Sunnyvale Police; but also an obvious discriminatory pattern when it comes to females dealing with violence against men. 

4) FEMALE POLITICIANS IN GENERAL -- John recently called the office of United States Senator Barbara Boxer to demand the "Violence Against Women Act" include men as well; yet NO ACTION was taken by Senator Boxer to protect males in the process. This shows all too clearly that institutionalized gender discrimination exists at the federal level; therefore until legislation is passed to protect all people as opposed to some; Civil Rights violations like what happened to males like John and/or Trayvon Martin etc etc etc will likely continue to happen. Why is it that female politicians think they were elected only to protect females?

1 comment:

  1. THE BOTTOM LINE: at this point in time; other than financial equality (which is all most women seem to care about) women are treated FAR better in american society than men; as they have yelled louder and brought about more protections in the process -- but this seemingly purposeful imbalance is the opposite of what most third world countries practice in treating men better than why can't all people be treated equally? what the hell is the matter with our society? does anybody have a clue how disrespectful this is to men?
