Wednesday, July 17, 2013


INSTITUTIONALIZED GENDER DISCRIMINATION is something that starts at the top; as the U.S. Congress has recently passed the "Violence Against Women Act"; while not equally protecting men in the process > YOU CAN SUPPORT THE 'END VIOLENCE AGAINST PEOPLE' ACT @ +

FOR INSTANCE: If what John has experienced over time happened to a teenage girl and/or an adult woman who was targeted for stalking and harassment and also attacked over a dozen times (go to: SOMEONE WOULD HAVE BEEN ARRESTED BY NOW. And what this really exposes is not only institutionalized gender discrimination in the obvious difference between the way the sexes are treated (is this equality?); but also race and age discrimination as well. It all amounts to fundamental discrimination on a variety of levels.

It is race-based because Caucasians can still legally be hated with no legal repercussions; gender-based because if John was a woman someone would have been arrested for the various attacks by now (and the woman would be celebrated for FINALLY defending herself instead of being demonized -- while in other countries; that same woman could be punished for doing the EXACT same men like John apparently are here in America); and age-based because our youth obsessed culture is more likely to protect (for example) a teen over a 50 year old single male like John (by the way; John is only 5 years away from being eligible for the Dennys' senior menu).

see also:

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