Friday, February 8, 2013


When John went to Peterson High School many years back; there was a Sunnyvale police officer named Mr. Baker who took care of at least some of the crap that went down with students. (note: John is not sure whether Mr. Baker was assigned to this duty; or took it upon himself) Mister Baker was Ken Bakers' father; (a student at Peterson at the time) and Ken supposedly followed in his fathers' footsteps and became a police officer as well.

One day many years back when Johns' friend (this said friend will go by the name "Greg"; "Egg"; "Eggy"; "The Eggster" and/or "Eggbert" on this document -- Note: Eggbert grew up two doors away from the Paolinetti home) was allegedly driving drunk through a neighborhood near Ponderosa Park in Sunnyvale; Egg then supposedly saw a police officer and panicked by quickly parking his car and jumping over a fence and into someone's backyard. Allegedly spending most of the night with some friendly neighborhood dogs underneath a bush in the adjacent backyard; Greg then waited until the dust settled and returned home in the early morning...

To make a long story short; Mr. Baker showed up in Eggberts' bedroom that very same morning; saying something like; "What the hell was that all about, Greg!?"...Leading us directly to this major point: WHERE WAS DON PAOLINETTI IN ALL OF THIS? Why was Mr. Paolinetti not directly involved in stopping the activities of his sons? (sons who were actually using Don Paolinetti's vehicle to commit their crimes some of the time); and why has Mr. Paolinetti remained so silent amidst all of this? Is this a sign of guilt on the part of Mr. Paolinetti?

Note: John actually asked the officer who responded to the night time incident seen in this video > > to bring this incident to the attention of Mr. Paolinetti; which he declined to do...

1 comment:

  1. Nowadays police are either way too overzealous; or way too "underzealous" (a word i just made up) and both alternatives are bad -- The old way cops did their job was to (in some minor instances) first bring rogue teenagers home to their parents to get them in trouble there; and if that didn't work then resort to other more heinous forms of punishment. Parents can punish their children in effective ways cops cannot; police used to know this...
