Wednesday, April 3, 2013


One night a few years back while at the Oasis Nightclub; Johns' friend Catlyn Hollywood was assaulted out in front of the club. (this assault was allegedly witnessed by Catlyns' friends; the man supposedly grabbed Catlyns' buttocks and breasts as he pressed Catlyn up against a wall outside) Catlyn told John of the assault; and that the attacker was at The Patio bar next door to the Oasis Nightclub. John then went with Catlyn to The Patio bar next door to look for the assailant. Catlyn had also called the Sunnyvale police about the assault; but when the officers arrived; they did nothing to apprehend the subject in question who was allegedly in the Patio bar at the time..

Therefore; what happened to John at the Oasis Nightclub was clearly NOT an isolated incident (go to: as this is a pattern negligent behavior that goes way back with the Sunnyvale police department. Catlyn can be contacted on Facebook @


  1. One night a few years back; Catlyn ended her alleged years-long methamphetamine abuse binge in an emergency room; and was deemed "bipolar" from the incident -- And while a "chemical imbalance" of toxic drugs likely caused that episode; I can almost GUARANTEE you that she does not do any drugs like that anymore; therefore she is no longer "bipolar" as originally stated; Catlyn is in fact quite "sane". The real problem is this; this record or bipolarity and/or instability is likely/wrongfully on Catlyns' long term record and sometimes even used against her at times...

  2. see also:
