Sunday, March 31, 2013


NEIGHBORHOOD COPWATCHs' initial "VOTER INTIMIDATION" post (go to: is even more proof that the Sunnyvale police department has been questionably focusing their energies upon John for many years now; as John is likely seen as an outspoken and effective activist worthy of active destabilization.  The Sunnyvale police have clearly "had it out" for John for quite awhile now.

With a combination of; 1) the passing of the highly unconstitutional USA Patriot Act; 2) a Republican administration (in 2007) unwilling to protect the Civil Rights of its' citizens; 3) and a new "Democratic" administration either unwilling and/or unable to bring justice to a messy post-911 situation; the Sunnyvale police clearly thought -- and apparently continue to think -- they have some sort of free reign on the destabilization and/or harassment and/or stalking etc of key dissidents. 

The meeting in question in this particular post was a meeting John had arranged to have moved from an inconvenient distant location the City of Sunnyvale had previously chosen; to a location closer to the homes of the people affected who wanted to speak. A Sunnyvale police officer was obviously focusing on and following John as John entered the meeting John had arranged for his neighbors. 

> The meeting was held in the Peterson middle school cafeteria -- John IN FACT attended Peterson high school back in the late 1970s and even played drums with rock bands in this same cafeteria in high school -- First at a variety show; then at a dance during his senior year.

Therefore; to have a police officer stalk John at a meeting John had arranged for his neighbors is not only a violation of Johns' historic right to freely access a campus he once attended (John recently attended the Peterson high school mega reunion); but also very similar to having law enforcement present where people vote. This is called "voter intimidation" to those who have just joined the party.

And when you couple this with the latest Sunnyvale police attempts to keep John off the Peterson campus (where John had and/or still has a need and/or a right to vote; and/or not be discriminated against in any way shape or form -- Note: The SCUSD receives federal dollars based upon a policy of NON-DISCRIMINATION); the Sunnyvale police department are showing an obvious pattern of unconstitutional behavior which needs to be corrected ASAP

THEREFORE; changes must be made to the Sunnyvale police department to make them a truly constitutional entity and/or in line with the United States Constitution; 
as NO ONE is above the law...
IN RETROSPECT; when Johns' now ex-CIA buddy told John the Sunnyvale police "have it out for him" after the Sunnyvale police surrounded Johns' house with a SWAT team and eventually fired at John for picking up litter in Johns' neighborhood; (something officer Dischler had previously thanked John for) this was apparently no joke. It appears at least part of the Sunnyvale police department has been attempting to control Johns' actions as far back as February of 2007 > go to:

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