Tuesday, April 8, 2014


BACK IN 1998; John saw a neighbor named Mr. Struble driving by Johns' house in an unsafe manner trying to hit ducks with his car on Mr. Strubles' way to work one morning. The very next morning; John went out to the curb attempting to discourage Mr. Struble from hitting the ducks; when Mr. Struble almost hit John with his vehicle and fled the scene. 

The next morning; Mr. Struble drove by John at a very close range (John was standing on the curb); close enough for John to touch a side window on Mr. Struble's vehicle. Mr. Struble then pulled way over to the left hand side of the street and stopped his car. John went to Mr. Strubles' vehicles' drivers' side window and encouraged him to slow down. Mr. Struble then belligerently grabbed Johns' hair through his drivers' side window; then threw a lame punch. This caused John to go into the house and call the Sunnyvale police as Mr. Struble fled the scene. 

Three officers eventually arrived; and one of the officers gave John a REALLY MEAN look and immediately left the scene after slamming his door (because rumor has it that officers were being overworked at the time). John dealt with then rookie officer Discher; who was very friendly and professional; calling Mr. Struble at work to see what actually happened. Mr. Struble corroborated the account of the attack on John to officer Dischler; and officer Discher then told Mr. Struble to drive around the block after this event to avoid driving by John's house; which Mr. Struble failed to do in the following days after the initial attack. 

John then called the Sunnyvale police several times (3 times John believes) speaking one time to a female officer named offer Rice. Officer RIce was very understanding about the situation and encouraged John to let it go. But Mr. Struble was ignoring officer Dischers' orders to go around the block in the days following the attack on John; driving faster and acting even more belligerent than he was before. 

Frustrated by the lack of police support; John then attempted to communicate with Mr. Struble; leaving a note on his doorstep; including a copy of John's very first CD "Music From Outer Space" (go to: http://likroper.bandcamp.com/album/music-from-outer-space > Note: This CD was left out of the evidence at the sham trial that followed. Part of John's message to Mr. Struble was "You will (likely) be charged with attempted vehicular manslaughter. Merry Xmas" (the word likely was left out) Note: Johns' brother was killed the very next year on Christmas Eve by a man named Danny Matos; who was charged with vehicular manslaughter!?!). 

After this utilization of Johns' in/unalienable First Amendment rights; attempting to legally communicate with Mr. Struble; two Sunnyvale police officers (including officer Beninger) showed up at Johns' front door with a temporary restraining order (!?!); telling John he could not stand in the same spot he was attacked by Mr. Struble!?! The Strubles apparently created obviously opposing depositions of the event where (among other things); Mr. Struble admitted to trying to run over the ducks; and Mrs. Struble accused John of the very same thing that Mr. Struble did to John, even though Mr. Struble corroborated the story to officer Discher!?! 

John then attended the sham trial and accepted the bogus restraining order; then right after it ended; out in the lobby John asked Officer Beninger if he ever spoke to officer "Dischler" (John wrongfully added an L to officer Dischers' last name). Officer Beninger then responded with "Who's Dischler?" (in front of two witnesses including Roger Brozinich > see: "CIVIL RIGHTS TASK FORCE ETC" link below). In other words; there was apparently a disconnect between officer Discher and officer Beninger; which led to this situation. 

Officer Beninger was then fired in the following months; Sunnyvale police chief Williams resigned from his position after not responding to Johns' complaint about traffic (see scanned email correspondence document below); and a new Sunnyvale law was created requiring officers to take a report for every stop; no matter how seemingly insignificant. 

This blog post is yet another glaring example of the pattern of negligence and corruption John has experienced at the hands of the Sunnyvale police department for roughly 16 years now. This is UNACCEPTABLE and SHAMEFUL; therefore something needs to DRASTICALLY change within the culture of the Sunnyvale police department so this kind of (purposeful?) twisted travesty of justice never happens again. 

WRONGFUL DEATH LAWSUIT (CONTINUED) @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/03/wrongful-death-lawsuit-continued.html + CIVIL RIGHTS TASK FORCE ETC @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/03/civil-rights-task-force-etc.html DOCUMENT SUBMITTED TO SUPERIOR COURT COMMISSIONER LISA STEINGART ON 18 OCT 2013 @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/11/document-submitted-to-superior-court.html
NOTICE AND AGENDA - SUNNYVALE CITY COUNCIL / TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 2006 / COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 456 WEST OLIVE AVENUE SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA - Questionable Item: 1. F. RESOLUTION MOTION - RTC 06-077 - Resolution Authorizing Destruction of Certain Documents Pertaining to Citizen Complaints/Inquiries, Internal Investigations, Applicant Backgrounds for Non-Hires, Officer Involved Vehicle Collisions, Canine Unit Training and Deployment Records and Inactive Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) Permit Documentation Eligible for Destruction / Staff Recommendation:  Council approves the resolution allowing for the destruction of specified records from the Department of Public Safety. Staff Contact:  Heather Tannehill,  (408) 730-7157 > NOTE: John finds the above item to be a bit questionable and worth bringing to your attention. Why would Sunnyvale Public Safety want to destroy documents (see: Destroying Evidence) pertaining to citizen complaints and inquiries unless they have something to hide?

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