Friday, March 15, 2013


THIS EMAIL WAS SENT TO JOHN about one year before Johns' brother Carl was killed in a head-on collision on 24 Dec 1999 by a man named Danny Matos. IMPORTANT POINTS TO BE CONSIDERED: 1) Chief Williams never responded to Johns' complaint about the excessive speeding in his neighborhood and resigned one month later; 2) and Danny Matos was let go while speeding in the beginning of December 1999 BY AN OFFICER IN THE SUNNYVALE POLICE DEPARTMENT; just weeks before Danny Matos slammed into Johns' brother Carl on Highway 152 in Merced County, California; And 3) The City of Santa Clara promised to make improvements to Johns' street at a public meeting held at the old Santa Clara public library; but the City of Santa Clara has never made those promised improvements to Johns' street; 4) This clearly shows a pattern of grossly negligent behavior on the part of both localities. > SEE ALSO: ACTION FOR NEGLECT TO PREVENT @

PETITION FOR SPEED HUMPS ON DUNFORD WAY -- this is one of two petitions for speed humps that were submitted to the City of Santa Clara regarding installation on Dunford way -- After 9 accidents on John's property; insufficient action was taken by the City of Santa Clara to correct the dangerous situation on the street in front of his place of residence; leading not only to the death of John's brother Carl (due to lax traffic enforcement on the part of both the City of Santa Clara AND Sunnyvale; leading to Danny Matos taking John's brothers' life on Christmas eve 1999); but also the death of his beloved cat Precious; that is if her death actually was an accident > This petition is even more evidence that John made repeated attempts to get the City of Santa Clara to correct the dangerous situation on the street in front of his house -- go to: 

Why did the City of Sunnyvale take 13 YEARS to install this traffic circle at Norman Drive and Elizabeth Way?

NOTE: This ALSO shows that even at the height of the 1990s economic boom; the City of Sunnyvale and the City of Santa Clara both had NO INTENTION of making streets safer by providing much needed public safety improvements to Johns' neighborhood streets; negligence they continue to this day.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to comunicate with Carl's brother John. I am Danny Matos's sister-in-law and having been trying to find factual accounts of the collision and if possible the trial.
