Monday, February 25, 2013


On 14 February 2013 John was out doing his usual routine of exercising and cleaning up litter on Dunford Way after his workout; when John saw a young Caucasian male sitting in the dirt next to his bicycle on the curb. (see the letter X) An African American lady was talking to the young boy; along with a couple other youngsters. The lady then left the scene just before the arrival of two fire trucks; a few Sunnyvale police vehicles; two EMS vehicles; and Principal of Peterson Middle School; Susan E. Harris. Officer Hearn of the Sunnyvale Police Department saw John taking a photo of the scene and seemingly tried to intimidate John (obviously unsuccessfully) by telling John not to post the photo. 

Was this due to the age of the person in question? or did it also have something to do with the FACT that Officer Hearn made a personal appearance at John's house a few months back ordering John to STOP helping people cross this dangerous stretch of street; and even declined during this encounter to have officers around in the morning to ensure safe crossing? (for instance; as opposed to having officers on the scene to officially intimidate voters like John) Therefore; John struck a balance and blurred out the image of the young male in question to make yet another point for the Addendum Blog in case this young male had indeed been injured by a passing vehicle.

A few months back; John was even approached and nearly accosted one day by a hysterical Principal Harris while helping a student cross this dangerous intersection at the end of Dunford Way; leading to the claim against the City of Sunnyvale. (John has encourage people to have the Principal charged with animal cruelty for poisoning California Ground Squirrels > go to: + > Note: Principal Harris essentially abused her power by trying to criminalize John for blowing the whistle on her and/or the SCUSD) 

But! For many months now; John has actually been recording various videos and photos showing the dangers of this intersection (the issue is now part of the document CIVILRIGHTS3.doc) and now it appears as if someone has been injured at this same said intersection. QUESTION: Was the young person in question on the bicycle injured by a passing vehicle? If so; this is yet another example of negligence on the part of the City of Sunnyvale. If not; forget about it...

1 comment:

  1. The City of Sunnyvale has no good excuse for not making this stretch of street safer; state-law crosswalk signs cost about $50 -- how much does the paint cost to create new crosswalks? Five dollars?
