Saturday, February 9, 2013


After reviewing files pertaining to the wrongful death of Johns' brother Carl in December of 1999; it has been found that the person who killed Carl in a head-on collision on Highway 5 in late December of 1999 (Danny Matos was convicted of vehicular manslaughter for the incident) was let go for speeding by a Sunnyvale police officer a few weeks prior in early December 1999.
Adding to this; In the years prior to the event of Carls' death; John spearheaded a local traffic calming effort in the late 1990s causing the City of Santa Clara traffic engineering department to eventually make promises at a neighborhood meeting in 1999; promises which were ultimately not followed up on. (these documents are available) Note: this was during the absolute height of the 1990s Silicon Valley boom when local cities had lots of money for traffic calming etc; therefore there was absolutely NO EXCUSE to avoid taking action.

1) Between the City of Santa Clara repeatedly choosing to do nothing about the dangerous traffic situation in Johns' neighborhood > go to: STATE LAW CROSSWALK SIGNS NEEDED NOW! @ + JIMMYS' CROSSWALK @; 2) And the City of Sunnyvale actually attempting to stop Johns' valiant traffic calming efforts AFTER JOHNS' BROTHER HAD DIED (!?!); go to: 'SAFETY CONES & 25 MPH ENFORCED? @; > This shows a clear pattern of negligence on the part of these entities; 

The link at the end of this paragraph shows one of two petitions for speed humps that were submitted to the City of Santa Clara regarding installation on Dunford way -- After 9 accidents on John's property; insufficient action was taken by the City of Santa Clara to correct the dangerous situation on the street in front of his place of residence; leading not only to the death of John's brother Carl (due to lax traffic enforcement on the part of both the City of Santa Clara AND Sunnyvale; leading to Danny Matos taking John's brothers' life on Christmas eve 1999); but also the death of his beloved cat Precious; that is if her death actually was an accident > This petition is even more evidence that John made repeated attempts to get the City of Santa Clara to correct the dangerous situation on the street in front of his house; go to:

1 comment:

  1. i found this online: -- i will use it as an example of how to draft it...
