After John distributed roughly 10,000 flyers around his neighborhood regarding the questionable sale of the Peterson Middle School field (which never happened -- as John successfully stopped the local corporate machine politics process dead in its' tracks); and/or after John attended two 2006 Sunnyvale City Council meetings regarding this subject (and Santa Clara City Council meeting as well during the 1990s); John then became a target for violent retaliation by local government forces.
1) The first attempt at destabilizing Johns' valiant activist efforts (and/or paying John back for speaking out about important subjects that are in the public interest) occurred when 'undercover' Officer 'Peck' (see photo below) was laying in wait for John to feed ducks (which ex-Mayor Judy Nadler gave John permission to feed) at the corner of Wood Duck Avenue and Benton Street. Officer 'Peck' looked and acted like some sort of freakish criminal sex offender and/or carjacker; causing John to flee the scene like any normal person would.
'Peck' later continued stalking and/or harassing John on Wood Duck Avenue; kicking in his drivers' side door in the process and causing more than $700 dollars in damage.
(Question: why would anyone question someone feeding ducks on a street called "Wood Duck Avenue"? Wood Ducks used to actually live in trees along Calabazas Creek before unchecked development decimated the local ecosystem).
2) The second attempt to retaliate against Johns' valiant activist efforts occurred when Lake Terrace resident Tom Foley was laying in wait for John on Wood Duck Avenue. (see photo below) Tom Foley followed John to his residence after this incident; then continued stalking harassing and menacing John for a number of weeks after John had reported Mister Foley to the police.
Tom Foley was later used as a 'witness to duck feeding' at a sham City of Santa Clara administrative court "mob sit down-style" trial where Mister Olenak admitted to attacking John in front of Judge Louis Amadeo Junior; Officers Pablo Lopez and Gabrielle Seagrave and everyone else in the court. This event was covered up as no arrests were made for this violent unprovoked attack by Mister Olenak; who was used as a 'witness to duck feeding' at this same sham trial.
3) The third egregious violation of Johns' civil rights occurred when Pablo Lopez and another unnamed Officer made unlawful orders; then wrongfully arrested John outside of his residence on 14 Jun 2006; injuring and/or bloodying John up in the process. (see photo below) But not only were Officer Lopez and the faceless unnamed Officer present at this wrongful arrest; but several Sunnyvale Police Officers were also conspiratorially laying in wait just around the corner from Johns' residence as well (as obvious payback for John speaking out a Sunnyvale City Council meeting a few months before). And while Officer Lopez had a note from the Lake Terrrace Apartments; he had no warrant for an arrest and no crime was being committed at the time. (Note: Police Officers cannot make an arrest unless they view a crime in progress and/or have a warrant for arrest).
Furthermore; the City of Santa Clara then revived an antiquated law regarding caged or fenced animals (the ducks John feeds are free range animals; not caged or fenced) back from the 1950s when the agricultural industry was being forcefully shut down here in the Santa Clara Valley; making way for the corporate-controlled anti-environmental Silicon Valley.
But the problem is; people now legally possess chickens in their backyards all over the Santa Clara and/or Silicon Valley; therefore this weak and/or ultimately distractive argument has all but flown the coop. And the fact remains that Johns' civil right$ were egregiou$ly violated; as violence and/or intimidation and/or coercion were used in this highly questionable activist control process.

U.S. Code › Title 18 › Part I › Chapter 13 › § 241
18 U.S. Code § 241 - Conspiracy against rights
two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or
intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession,
or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege
secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or
because of his having so exercised the same; or
two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises
of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or
enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured—
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years,
or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of
this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap,
aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual
abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or
imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be
sentenced to death. > GO TO:
> 27 feb 2006 / ROAD RAGING JACKASS 3 - while feeding ducks in the same place i have done for about ten years, i was threatened and harassed by some idiotic jackass fool who literally stood in front of my car and blocked my passage in the street...i have heard that animal rights activists are the most harassed of all activists, and this is proof, so why don't you go F#%K yourself, mister jackass #3 - i'll be feeding those ducks until THE DAY I DIE...the real problem is the 1 in 10 idiots who for whatever reason hate ducks and run over them when passing through - and more often than not it is people who live at the LAKE TERRACE APARTMENTS, as i have witnessed this MANY TIMES in the past - (most people at the apartments like the ducks, though)...there was a national media outrage about ducks being run over in a campbell car wash last year, and if it matters in campbell; it matters in santa clara as well - so remember to watch out for ducks in the neighborhood and PLEASE SLOW DOWN - (by the way; instead of calling the santa clara police about jackass #3; i have instead reported this incident and several others including the HIT AND RUN incident seen above to the FBI citizen's complaint hotline) note: since this writing i have not seen jackass #3 and i doubt that i will again - and if mister jack confronts me or tries to hold me against my will ever again HE WILL BE SORRY - also, i just talked to an anonymous source who told me the old anti-duck lake terrace apartment manager is now gone and has been replaced by a pro-duck manager, and the old groundskeeper who was allegedly killing baby ducklings has been canned as well - all for now...
> 20 may 2006 / THE RETURN OF ROAD RAGING JACKASS 3 (RRJ-3) - on february 27th, 2006 RRJ-3 approached my vehicle while i was getting out to feed the ducks at the lake terrace apartments...he pretended to act like a cop around a time when the media was talking about false arrests being made by police impersonators, so since he had no uniform i turned my wheel to the right and attempted to leave, and he jumped in front of my vehicle...not knowing whether this guy was some kind of crazy car-jacker or what, i turned my wheel to the right again and attempted to leave, but he jumped in front of my vehicle again, so i put it in reverse and escaped down the street backwards, turning around near peacock court...
i came back and took this photo of RRJ-3 just to document the event because i knew this guy would probably be trouble again down the line, and sure enough i was we are three months later and as i was going to leave duck food on my friends' property where it is legal to do so, out of nowhere jumps RRJ-3...i quickly got into my vehicle and he attempted to keep the door open like he was going to attack me, so after forcefully throwing him back about 4 feet with the door (much to his surprise - i could push him 10 feet if i wanted) i slammed it shut and locked it...
i said "what the fuck is the matter with you!?!" and he went ballistic and kicked my door panel, doing about $1000-$1500 dollars damage to my vehicle...i then went home and called the police and the first traffic officer came and heard my story then left to go find RRJ-3 as yet another officer showed up to hear my story again, and he seemed like a pretty good cop...i told him about how i had been contacting the SCPD professional standards division complaining about their lack of action regarding crazy tom and how they told me the lake terrace people just want less food left and how i was attempting to comply with these requests by leaving the food across the street on property where i am allowed to do so, etc...
the next cop was initially cool then kinda went bad on me after the initial traffic cop showed back up on the scene...RRJ-3 denied kicking my door and committing malicious vandalism, and i had no proof or witnesses of this attack (other than my bent-up door panel) because for the first time in weeks i did not have my digital camera and pepper spray cocked and ready to defend myself, so the cops just warned him and let him go...i drove by on my way to the chiropractor and RRJ-3 was sitting on his fat ass on the ground talking to the cops looking guilty as sin with his fat girlfriend at his side...
after visiting the chiropractor i came back to my friends' house across the street from lake terrace and got them to come outside an play some catch on the street with a football, something i will now be doing alot more of in the future, as i refuse to limit my civil liberties for terrorists in any way shape or form...after a while the manager of lake terrace drove up and told me that the owner doesn't like the ducks anymore and he is paving the pond over in june!?!...i told her that the local ducks have an imprint on this neighborhood and the lake terrace property and/or the area around my residence in particular, as the city of santa clara installed duck crossing signs on my street back in the environmentally-friendly 1990s...and! even if they pave the lake terrace pond, the ducks will still return every spring anyway...
and along with the SCPD; she seemed strangely unconcerned about the attack by crazy tom and the damage done to my vehicle, as if these are her thugs doling out her vigilante justice or something...all i can say is that she is a little bitch on a power trip who needs to go fuck herself (and you know; i have found a common thread between the people hassling me about ducks; they are all caucasians suffering from the same white person's anti-environmental disease most republicans suffer from and have spread throughout the land as of late, and i hate to say it but they make me somewhat ashamed to be white - as white people can often be some of the biggest pieces of shit around, being the relatively spiritually cultureless, genetically-altered hybrid race that we are - compared to the dogon tribe in africa for example)...
> also, believe it or not; while talking to the bitchy little apartment manager who thinks the world revolves around her, crazy tom appeared from behind the trees and i actually talked to him, shook his hand and essentially forgave him for his violent acts...even though he attacked me he seems like a pretty cool dude who cares about the ducks, but he just has a strange way of showing it...i essentially agreed to disagree with crazy tom and the apartment manager, then returned home...
LRE note: "I see the power game resting on three levels of force and fraud. First, earliest and still most powerful is the government racket itself, the monopoly on force (military power, police power, etc.) which allows the governing group to take tribute (taxation) from the enslaved or deluded masses. Second, derivative from this primordial conquest, is the landlord racket, the mammalian monopoly on territory which allow's the king's relations (lords-of-the-land) or their successors, today's "land-lords," to take tribute (rent) from those who live within the territory. Rent is the daughter of taxation; the second degree of the same racket. Third, the latest in historical time, is the usury racket, the monopoly on the issue of currency which allows the money lords to take tribute (interest) on the creation of money or credit, and on the continuous circulation of the money or credit every step of the way. Interest is the son of rent, the rent of money. Since most people engaged in nefarious practices are, in my opinion, very loathe to acknowledge what they are doing, and are addicted to the same hypocrisies as the rest of humanity, I think all power groups quite sincerely believe that what they are doing is proper, and that anybody who attacks them is a revolutionary nut. Outside of the Klingons on Star Trek, I have never encountered a real predator who justifies himself on Stirnerite or Machiavellian grounds. I really think Saroyan was right, naïve as it sounds, in saying that "every man is a good man in his own eyes." - ROBERT ANTON WILSON @
anyway; back in the mid 1990s the duck population was much bigger than it is now, so i do not see what the deal is; the flock is smaller now but healthier and more pure mallard than interbred duck as they were before...there are still some interbred ducks, just less of them...
and people have been feeding these ducks for years before me, so they became dependent on humans long before i came into the picture...there is a serious lack of available territory and/or habitat for the ducks, so all they can do is forage through the neighborhood, and there simply is not enough available food for them; thus supplementary feeding must occur - either that or the creation of additional habitat...
another thing nobody ever discusses is that these ducks are somewhere in between wild and domestic, as there is no official category for them, and this has happened because humans have so destroyed their original habitat and so paved over the santa clara valley and so ruined the riparian system of rivers that the ducks are being literally squeezed out of existence and/or becoming dependent on humans to survive...i saw the environmental disaster at 1333 lawrence expressway unfold a few years back and this simply cannot be allowed to occur again.
Note: It is obvious that John is a classic 'muckraker' writer; provoking response and/or occasional outrage from readers; but the fact remains that freedom of speech by nature is provocative and/or provocation; plain and simple -- and the First Amendment of the United States Constitution was argued for 14 years.