John initially encountered Federal X-Officer Seagrave after John had called the
City of Santa Clara about a neighbor named Mister Olenak (Mister Olenak
was seen putting bleach into food for designated animals (a video of
this is available). Officers Seagrave (and Lopez) declined to take action about
criminal threats Mister Olenak had made towards John; causing Mister
Olenak to be emboldened by this negligence on Officer Seagraves' part
and carry through on his criminal threats made against John. (go to: http://neighborhood-copwatch.blogspot.com/2007/06/mister-olenaks-admission-of-guilt.html)
SEE ALSO: INSTITUTIONALIZED GENDER DISCRIMINATION @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/07/institutionalized-gender-discrimination_25.html + DERELICTION OF DUTY (continued) @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2014/11/dereliction-of-duty-continued.html
Mister Olenak was laying in wait for John to feed ducks outside his residence at around 6 in the morning. Mister Olenak then followed John back onto his property and attacked John; threatening John's elderly father in the process; and causing John to call the Sunnyvale police once again; AND THEY DID NOTHING to help John regarding the vicious attack by Mister Olenak; and instead wanted to talk about duck feeding of all things.
Once again;
Mister Olenak was later used at a bogus sham trial with Pablo Lopez
and Gabby Seagrave as a "witness to duck feeding". And after this same
sham administrative trial; John's 80+ year old father was then illegally
detained (and basically held hostage and threatened) by Pablo Lopez
and Gabby Seagrave; and the Olenak family as well.
GO TO: REST IN PEACE MOM AND BROTHER CARL @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2014/03/rest-in-peace-mom-and-brother-carl.html
John had previously filed
a claim form against the City of Santa Clara for wrongful arrest by Pablo Lopez; and two days before the
rejection letter arrived; this occurred: > GO TO: http://neighborhood-copwatch.blogspot.com/2007/07/malicious-vandalism-and-attempted.html >
This was just the beginning of a years-long harassment campaign; likely
supported by now ex-Santa Clara police officer Don Paolinetti; as Don
Paolinetti's children were involved in the harassment campaign against
John; using Don Paolinetti's various vehicles to perform the targeted
harassment, stalking and menacing.
But this is nothing unusual; as the F.B.I. and/or American government in general has been doing such cruel and divisive things for many years now. For instance; when police stormed Johns' neighbors' house where duck feeding was occurring on the morning Mister Olenak attacked John and made criminal threats toward Johns' Dad; this incident caused those particular neighbors to turn against John; ending their years long relationship and causing unnecessary division.
THE BOTTOM LINE: Officers Gabby Seagrave and Pablo Lopez could have stopped Mister Olenaks' attack against John; but refused to do so. > go to: MISTER OLENAKS' ADMISSION OF GUILT @ http://neighborhood-copwatch.blogspot.com/2007/06/mister-olenaks-admission-of-guilt.html + ACTION FOR NEGLECT TO PREVENT @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/07/the-fbi-action-for-neglect-to-prevent.html
"Many cops were bullied when they were younger; and that is at least part of the reason some of them became cops. But the government (and particularly the federal government) is one of the biggest bullies of all...so the problem is systemic; and needs to be resolved from the top down if any real positive progress is to be made in the future..."
NOTE: During and following the same years that MLK was active, the FBI actively sought to infiltrate “radical,” “subversive” groups. They launched the notorious COINTELPRO program, sending undercover agents to pose as members of movements. They seeped into anti-war groups, the Black Panthers, and communist, socialist, and Puerto Rican groups (among others). They attempted not only to gather information, but also to sow discord among the ranks of activists in order to sabotage their efforts. The FBI allegedly discontinued COINTELPRO in 1971, but many believe it still employs the same tactics today.
The FBI is also known for making the lives of whistle blowers a living hell. Though the Obama administration has cracked down on those who are courageous enough to expose government wrongdoing, the FBI has consistently ranked the most intolerant of such dissent. It sent a threatening letter to one of its' would-be whistle blowers and makes little effort to protect them. For an agency tasked with rooting out crime and corruption, its unwillingness to look in the mirror is disgraceful.
The FBI has a bad habit of employing selective justice. During the 1970s and 80s when it was prosecuting gangsters, it made a point to prosecute some and not others. Why? Because those it protected were paying them off and providing information on other gangs.
Further, in the 1960s, the FBI allowed four innocent men to be convicted of murder, simply to protect a former gangster turned informant. They encouraged a witness to lie and withheld evidence from the court to earn the convictions, again exemplifying an egregious disregard for the justice they are tasked with delivering (the government later paid over $100 million in settlements for the false convictions). > GO TO: THE TEN MOST CROOKED THINGS THE FBI HAS EVER DONE @ http://theantimedia.org/10-most-crooked-corrupt-things-fbi-ever-done
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