Monday, April 6, 2015


About one week after the broken windshield event in August of 2007 (see photo above and/or link below); John received a strange email from someone named "Jide Nowak". Jide Nowak was wondering how John fixed his windshield so quickly; questioning his source of finances. Who is Jide Nowak; and/or did he have something to do with this particular incident? > GO TO:

OTHER QUESTIONS: Why did the Sunnyvale police refuse to fully investigate this incident? Why did John have to take the above photograph himself? When windows at the Pentagon were recently shot at; you had roughly half the American police force out looking for the stray bullets. And when an officer was recently shot at with a BB-gun [go to:] Stevens Creek Boulevard was shut down for almost a whole day in response to the event.


NOTE: 1) Similarly; John has a friend named Gary Perez. A few years back; Gary's bedroom window was allegedly shot at by the boyfriend of a woman Gary had an affair with; but the police Gary encountered refused to investigate the incident based upon lack of evidence!? If this same thing had happened to a police officer; you could bet there would not only be enough evidence; but also a thorough questioning of the suspected shooter; as well as television news coverage etc etc etc.

2) John also knows someone named Seth who lives in Campbell, California (Seth previously worked at a business called Theraleaf Careness In San Jose). Seth experienced the same kind of treatment from his local police department when faced with a similar situation. Apparently one night Seth caught people in the act of throwing bricks through the windows of vehicles which he and his roommates own. 

But when Seth called the police about the event; the police responded; but failed to act even though Seth had the license plate numbers of the perpetrators involved in the vandalism. The police said that if Seth followed up on it; Seth would be considered to be "harassing" the police for attempting to get the police to do their sworn duty of protecting and serving Seth!? What the hell was THAT all about?

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