Tuesday, June 24, 2014


THE ADDENDUM BLOG is an accumulation of events showing a clear pattern of negligent government behavior over time (and/or sometimes grossly negligent behavior and/or corruption). While some of the listed events are past the normal statute of limitations; the "pattern of negligence and/or corruption over time" angle keeps the entire case on point by tying various seemingly unconnected events together in a way that overrides the statute of limitations. 


1) TOM FOLEY @ THE LAKE TERRACE APARTMENTS: LAYING IN WAIT + CONSPIRACY ETChttp://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2014/06/tom-foley-laying-in-wait-conspiracy-etc.html 

3) OFFICER JIM CARRELL AND THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICEhttp://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2014/05/officer-jim-carrells-prior-knowledge.html 

5) THE CITY OF SANTA CLARA + 1333 LAWRENCE EXPRESSWAY + THE MARINA PLAYA APARTMENTS ETC = LAX ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ETC @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/12/the-city-of-santa-clara-1333-lawrence.html 

7) GOVERNMENT SANCTIONED DISCRIMINATION (continued) http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2014/04/government-sanctioned-discrimination.html 

10) INCIDENT ON 15 DECEMBER 2013 -- EV 133490020http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/12/incident-on-15-december-2013.html 

15) THE FBI: ACTION FOR NEGLECT TO PREVENT? @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/07/the-fbi-action-for-neglect-to-prevent.html

> ADDENDUM #16A) John's friend Audrey Jane Anderson posted on Facebook 17 July 2014: 
"Here's the latest installment for anyone who think I'm paranoid or demented because I've been up weeks at a time chasing these bastards all over (and finding out after all this) that the asshole is located only about a 10 minute walk from my front door--yesterday, gateway went down--spent about 45 minutes on my own troubleshooting--stumped. Spent another 45 minute on the phone troubleshooting with tech guy--he says it's your telecom provider. I spent 3 hours on the phone with them yesterday getting jacked around--amgrier by the minute. And I've been catching verbal abuse, insults, called every name in the book by family members who don't know jack about computer security. First thing when the telecom guy gets here--he says the lines have been cut--I'M NOT FUCKING CRAZY!!! So called the police--police officer tried to give me the "stupid hysterical woman doesn't know what she's talking about". There have been other telecom people working on our street--not related to our issue. Some random guy suddenly appears, walking out of our BACK YARD and into the front where we are talking about the lines that were cut. I never saw this person near the trucks, never saw him get out of a truck and I ask for ID. Police start giving me crap and trying to say that company shirt and hat the guy is wearing and that he has a toolbelt and the trucks are there--means he works for the company. I say that company WARNS customers to demand to see company issued ID--if the guy has it, it should not be a problem. The cop and the "unidentified creep" had just about decided that we were "hysterical" and "inferior, and the men were taking care of it". About that time, LEGITIMATE repair guy show up and says "yes indeed these lines were cut" and the other guy mysteriously vanished--funny how seems to happen around here--dude was right there--caught red handed--wandered off--WTF exactly WAS he doing in our yard? His explanation was pure BULLSHIT!!!" > https://www.facebook.com/aja0114

ADDENDUM #16B) Jon Kinyon wrote on July 7: "It's been 6 days since my mom was brutally attacked just outside the front doors of the San Pablo Casino. The casino and the San Pablo Police have not talked with the media and still have not released video of the assailant. The only reason this news story was done was because I contacted KTVU myself." (Note: San Pablo police allegedly initially blamed Jon's mom for this sexual attack)

Jon Kinyon wrote on July 8: "INSULT TO INJURY: On top of everything we're going through, Stanford Medical Center treated us like we were trying to pull some kind of scam to get our mom free elderly care. Every step of the way they questioned everything we said, then gave us a lecture about how the "family needs to step up", take our mother home and provide care ourselves. They assumed that she had fallen and fractured her knee because she's old and that we were trying to game the system or something. They kept implying that she was faking her pain and wouldn't give here more pain medicine. When I told them she was a victim of a violent assault 3 days prior, the doctor asked incredulously, "And you made a police report, right? Right???" It went even further downhill from there with Stanford refusing to admit her "officially" and putting her in an observation room. This is all I can share right now without completely blowing my top." — at Stanford University Medical Center. > https://www.facebook.com/jon.kinyon

Note: Audrey and Jon's experiences were submitted to add perspective and show that this kind of half-assed police work goes on elsewhere other than Sunnyvale/Santa Clara and/or Santa Clara County ...

ADDENDUM # 16C) PM Beers in Los Angeles wrote: "These people that you call good cops will follow orders and enforce laws which oppress poor people. The institution of policing systematically oppresses poor people. Anyone who does anything to fuck with poor people is not a good person no matter why they did it. Just following orders is no excuse for unethical behavior. One cannot BE a cop and simultaneously BE a good person. It is simply not possible." -- PM Beers @ https://www.facebook.com/pmbeers

"A civil right is an enforceable right or privilege, which if interfered with by another gives rise to an action for injury. Examples of civil rights are freedom of speech, press, and assembly; the right to vote; freedom from involuntary servitude; and the right to equality in public places. Discrimination occurs when the civil rights of an individual are denied or interfered with because of their membership in a particular group or class. (see: financial class) > go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/civil_rights"

ADDENDUM #16D) SEE ALSO: RACIAL PROFILING? http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/02/racial-profiling.htmlHIS STORY REPEATS ITSELFhttp://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/02/his-story-repeats-itself.html > NOTE: John's friend Danny Garcia was discriminated against based upon his financial class when Sunnyvale police officers ordered Danny to go to Fair Oaks park on the "poor side of El Camino Real".

16) JOHN'S NEIGHBOR JANE / CASE #13-3093 @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/05/johns-neighbor-jane.html 

19) COMPLICITY THROUGH NEGLIGENCE AND/OR INCOMPETENCE ETC @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/03/complicity-through-negligence-andor.html 

22) REST IN PEACE, BROTHER CARL @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2014/06/rest-in-peace-brother-carl_18.html

SEE ALSO: APPEALS COURT STREAMLINES ACCESS TO POLICE MISCONDUCT HISTORIES @ http://sfpublicdefender.org/news/2014/08/appeals-court-streamlines-access-to-police-misconduct-histories/

THE UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHTS ACT OF 2010 @ http://www.actof2010.com/ 


  1. "there's been a slow erosion of rights since the constitution was finally ratified in 1787...any time something that radical comes along (civil rights etc) people who the new ideology was designed to limit the power of inevitably rise up and try to water down that new ideology in order to keep their power..."

  2. CRIPPLED PEOPLE ARE EVERYWHERE; and they do not always suffer from physical impairments; as many people are in fact incapable of feeling empathy (for instance; republicans; some democrats; nazis etc) and this shows in their decision making process -- for instance; when a judge makes what seems to be a totally ridiculous judgement; this is not something this judge necessarily has any control over; as some people are literally physically incapable of feeling empathy (my sister for example; how else could she have worked as a phlebotomist at kaiser hospital?) > http://www.livescience.com/39904-why-psychopaths-lack-empathy.html > everyone is gifted and crippled in different ways; as no one is perfect...
